Haru 'Ending'

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I quickly change into the swimsuit, slipping my clothes over it. I then headed out the door with one person on my mind.

I enter Iwatobi luckily getting into the outdoor pool. I notice that someone is already swimming. I knew it.

"Haru!" I shout, gaining the attention of the swimmer. He swims over to the edge and gets out. He shakes his raven black hair as if he was in a shampoo commercial.

"(Y/N)? What're you doing here?" He ask, walking up to me. I try not to stare at his nice toned body.

"I need your help... I want to swim again." I explain, feeling anxious.

"Are you sure? Remember last time?" He says. I feel embarrassed for chickening out last time...

"I know but, I think I'm ready..." I murmur. I slowly reach out and grab his hand. "I don't think I'm able to do it without you by my side so, please, help me."

"Of course." He whispers, blushing. I take off my shirt and pants, throwing them aside. I grab Haru's hand again. We made our walk to the pool. It felt as if it was taking forever. Haru let's go of my hand and gets into the pool, making sure not to splash me.

"I can do this..." I whisper to myself. Slowly, I put my foot in, feeling the rather cold water. I sit down on the edge, now having both my feet in. So far so good. I took a deep breath in and out. I then feel a hand on my knee. I look down and see Haru.

"You can do this. I believe in you." He says, his blue eyes sparkling. I smile. With those simple yet, powerful words of encouragement, I let out a sigh before fully entering the pool. I close my eyes, letting out gentle breaths in and out. I feel Haru grab my hand. I open my eyes and see him staring at me, a small smile on his face.

"Haru... I'm in the pool..." I say, stating the obvious.

"You're in the pool." He repeats. Smiling, I wrap my arms around his neck, hugging him tight.

"I'm doing it, Haru! I'm in the pool!" I exclaim, tears streaming down my face. Haru hugs me back.

"I knew you could do it." He whispers. I release him from the hug, and stare into his beautiful ocean blue eyes. In that moment I knew, that all this time, I have feelings for Haru. He's the one I like. I lean in and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Enough of this sappy stuff." I giggle, wiping a tear away. "How about a race?"

*Time skip*

It felt like hours that Haru and I were swimming and I enjoyed every minute of it.

Haru made it to the end of the pool before I did, I followed a few seconds later. I popped my head out of the water, panting.

"I-I let you win." I say, laughing. After catching my breath, I get my self out of the pool, letting my feet dangle off the edge. Haru does the same. I look out at the water, for once, not feeling afraid or anxious. I look over to Haru.

"You don't know how much you've helped me. I can't thank you enough." I say, wanting to cry but concealing my tears.

"You don't have to thank me, (Y/N). I didn't really do anything." Haru states, looking at his feet in the water. Quickly leaning over, I kiss Haru on the cheek.

"I do have to thank you." I say, pulling away. Haru looked a bit surprised at my action. "Thanks for making me believe in myself again." Haru looks at me intensely, his blue eyes sparking in the night. My (e/c) eyes scan his lips.

I really want to kiss him on the lips.

Slowly, we both lean in, my eyes start to close. His soft lips finally make contact with my own. I instantly kiss back, my hands making their way through his black hair. I pull him in closer, making the kiss deepen. I can't believe Haru's kissing me... It's a dream come true. Suddenly my dream came to an abrupt end when my phone starts ringing. I awkwardly pull away, smiling shyly at Haru's blushing face. I reach over in my bag to grab my phone. I answer.

"Hello?" I ask.

"(Y/N)!" It was Nagisa's voice. "I just wanted to ask how you are."

"Oh, I'm actually fine now. Better than ever. I'm with Haru so-"

"Ooooo~ Get some, (Y/N)-chan~" Nagisa interrupts me. I blush in embarrassment.

"Goodbye, Nagisa." I say, annoyed but a smile on my face.

"Bye! Remember, use protection!"

I hang up, hoping to God Haru didn't hear. Luckily, I don't think he did. I turn to him, smiling.

"Haru, I have something to say..." I mumble, scared. I'm about to admit my feelings and I'm not sure how I'm going to do it so, I'm gonna wing it!

"You've been my friend since I moved to Iwatobi. And when I moved away, and that thing happen while I was overseas, I didn't think that you'd be my friend anymore... Hell, I didn't even think you'd remember me... Anyway, it was really hard for me to come back-" I start to tear up.

"It's okay." Haru says, placing his hand over mine. I continue.

"Even though it was hard, you and the others helped me overcome one of the biggest obstacles in my life. I can't thank you guys enough. Especially you, Haru..." I stop and stare into those beautiful ocean blue eyes that I love.

"And I think, you're the one I have feelings for, Haru. Thinking about now, it's always been you. I love you..." I finally say, blushing. I just confessed...

"(Y/N)... When you left, you were always on my mind. I never forgot about you... I love you, too." Haru declares, a small smile on his face. And with that, I lean in and kiss him. He kisses me back, holding my face in his hand. What a great ending to the perfect night with the perfect kiss.


So sorry if that seemed totally rushed!! It wasn't my intention!

Regardless, I hope you enjoyed Haru's ending! Look forward to Makoto's ending!


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