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Okay, as you can see, I'm uploading a whole new chapter one!!!! Originally, I was going to based this story completely off the anime (like, have the same plot and what not), but, I started coming up with my own ideas. Long story short, this story will take a turn in a different direction. I hope that's okay!
(Y/N)'s POV:

"(Y/N)! Come downstairs, please!" I hear my mother call out to me. Lazily, I lift myself off my bed. Literally, we just moved back. I want at least a few hours of nap time before I have to go to school tomorrow. This year, unfortunately, my parents want me to go to public school; to save money and make me get out of the house...

"Yes?" I question, once I made it to the kitchen where my mom was. Five or so boxes are opened, filled with kitchen supplies and other appliances. My mom is kneeling down near one of them, taking the stuff out. She notices me and stands.

"I need you to do me a favor." She states, putting down a couple of plates. As soon as those words left her mouth, I roll my eyes.

"What...." I mutter, crossing my arms. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out some money.

"Please, can you go to the store and pick me up some eggs and flour. I'm going to make something for our new neighbors." She says, handing me the money. "You can get yourself something if you'd like."

"Okay..." I mumble, shoving the money in my pocket.

"Who knows, maybe you'll see your old boyfriends." My mom snickers. I quickly give her a dirty look. She's referring to my old friends. Nagisa, Haru, and Makoto...

"First of all... They weren't my boyfriends. Second, if I do for whatever reason see one of them, they probably won't remember me... I'm pretty forgettable..." Before the convention could press on, I put my shoes on and I was out the door. I haven't been in Iwatobi in years but, I still remember where the convenient store is. We live in a different place from before however, I can still manage. A thought occurred to me... What if I do see one of them? I know that they won't remember me. It's not like I made an impact on their lives... I was just there... But, I do remember how sad Nagisa and Makoto were when I told them I was moving...

*Flash Back*

"You're moving?" Makoto's gently voice is coated in sadness.

"Why?" Nagisa chips in, instantly his eyes water. I glance at Haru, whom just stayed silent...

"My parents got a new job...." I trail off, trying to conceal my tears.

"You can't be going too far, right?" Makoto asks, tilting his head, causing his olive-colored bangs to fall to the side. I shake my head.

"I-I'm moving to America..." I finally get it out. I look up at my three best friends. Makoto and Nagisa look like they're about to cry. As for Haru though, he's emotionless as ever.

"N-No! You can't!" Nagisa burst out crying. Before I knew it, Nagisa wrapped his arms around my neck, giving me a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry." My voice cracks. "It's not like I want to... I really don't. I can't leave you guys."

"When are you leaving?" Makoto asks, with a little sniffle. Nagisa finally lets me go.

"In a week." I answer, still holding back tears. I glance at Haru once again. His face is emotionless however, his deep ocean blue eyes that I've always loved the color of, are full of sadness and hurt.

"First, we had to deal with Rin leaving, but now you? It's not fair." Nagisa exclaims, tears in his fuchsia eyes.

"We can't be sad." Makoto speaks up. We all glance at him.

"How can we not be sad? (Nickname) is leaving." Nagisa mumbles.

"Yes but, we have to make this last week with her count. Make it so she doesn't forget about us when she leaves." He says, a small smile tugged on his face. I smile too.

"Thanks Mako. I don't think I'll ever forget about you guys." I say glancing at all them. Finally, I see an ever so small smile on Haur's face.

Now, it'll be even more harder to leave...


Before I knew it, I made it to the store. I walk in, feeling the air conditioner blow cold air onto me. Sighing, I grab a basket and head off to the dairy products. I walk over to eggs, scanning all the different varieties. Mom didn't specify how much she needed but, it'd be a good idea to get a dozen. The only twelve pack eggs they have, are on a high self... Lucky me... Balancing on my toes, I reach up for the eggs but, I was still too short.

"Do you need help?" A gentle voice asks from behind me. Turning around, I don't make eye contact with the person, feeling embarrassed.

"Um yes, please..." I mumble. The person didn't move from his place.

"(Y/N)...?" He asks. Finally, I look up and make eye contact with a pair of very familiar green eyes...

Once again, sorry for changing up things! I promise, a new chapter will be up soon!

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