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The next day, I wake up to knocking from my bedroom door... My mom is out for work so, who could it be. With fear filling me, I shakily get up from my bed and walk up to my door. Slowly, I open it, waiting for anything. There I see, Haru and Makoto. I let out a sigh.

"You guys scared the hell out of me..." I mumble, slightly giggling.

"Sorry about that," Makoto says, chuckling. "Sorry, we just barged right in but, the front door was open and you weren't answering to that."

"Nah, it's okay. I know, I'm a heavy sleeper." I then remember I just got out of bed... I look like crap in front of two extremely attractive guys who probably can't look ugly for the life of them... I quickly close the door. "I need to change! Be out in a sec!"

Being quick, I rummage through my clothes and put on my school uniform. I turn around to my dresser, grabbed my brush and,  styled my messy (h/c) hair to my liking. Before I opened the door, I stopped in my tracks. I turn around and went to my closet. Reaching on my tippy toes, I grab a suitcase that was perfectly place on the top ledge. I put it down on the floor and opened it. I pull out a black one piece swimsuit with a (f/c) stripe on the top.

"You never know..." I quietly mumble as I shoved the swimsuit in my bag and walked out the door. Makoto, Haru, and I made our journey to school.

As we walk, I was in the middle of the two boys. In was really silent...

"So..." I trail off, cutting the tension. "How's Rin these days?"

"He's good." Makoto answers. "We swam a relay not too long ago... But... We were disqualified because Rin was from a different team."

I feel the pain of jealousy in my chest. When I was younger, I've always wanted to swim in a relay with the boys but, only four are allowed to participate...

"Everything okay, (F/N)?" Mako asks, glancing down at me.

"Yeah, of course." I half lie with a smile. Makoto didn't look too convinced but, he didn't press on.

"Today is joint practice with Samezuka. Do you want to come and watch? Rin will be there. I'm pretty sure he'll be glad to see you." Makoto offers with a smile. I was hesitant to answer.

"Um, sure..." I murmur. Let's just hope I don't faint again...

After a regular day of school, it was time for the joint practice with the Samezuka and Iwatobi swim club. Time to see Rin, I guess. The swim club and I took the bus in order to go to Samezuka. I heard that this school has an amazing swim team so, it'll be cool to see them swim.

"Will you be okay around the pool, (Y/N)?" A voice breaks my thoughts. It was Makoto. His green eyes are filled with concerned. I slightly blush. Why does he care so much? Hm, maybe because he's Makoto!

"Yeah, I think so." I reply, with a small smile. Before I knew it, we're at Samezuka. We exit the bus and walk across the campus. We finally enter the pool area, I could tell by the smell of chlorine. A whole bunch of half naked men whom are really toned and muscular, are shown before me. My face slightly heats up

Well, not as much as Kou's...

"Oh my gosh... Look at their triceps!" She squeals in my ear. I give her a weird look before looking up and seeing a maroon haired boy approaching our group.

"You guys are late." His deep voice grumbles in announce.

"Sorry, Rin-chan!" Nagisa apologizes.


My other childhood friend I have yet to talk to, finally notices me. He tilts his head, probably wondering who I am.... He doesn't remember. All of sudden, his crimson eyes widen in surprise.

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