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Before Nagisa could pull me more, I plant my feet to the ground, causing him to not being able to pull me any further. He turns to me, his eyes watery. He releases my arm.

"Nagisa! Listen, please." I state, trying to regain my composure. "I don't do swimming anymore."

"Aw, why not?" He whines, taking hold of my hands, gently this time.

"I-I just don't... I lost interest." I half lied. More like not telling the whole truth.

They'd all hate me if they found out the real reason...

"Can you at least see the others! I want you to meet Rei-chan!"

He gives me the most adorable puppy dog look. How can anyone say no?

"Fine... Only for five minutes." I let out a sigh. With that, Nagisa smiles and let's me follow him without the use of his force.

We arrive outside, where I assume the pool is. I take sniff of the air, smelling chlorine. The scent itself gives me nostalgia.

I look in the pool, A shiver ran up my spine but, I stood tall... Not thinking about it...

I see both Haru and Makoto swimming, their strokes as beautiful as ever. Even more than they were in elementary school.

"Nagisa! Why are you late to practice!" A unknown voice scolds. I turn to see a very well built muscular guy in a speedo. I couldn't help but stare.

"Sorry, Rei-chan! I just wanted to introduce you to (N/N)-chan! The girl I told you about!" When I manage to look up at his face, I realize that he was the guy I bumped into the other day!

"You're the guy who bumped into me!" I repeat my thought. Instantly, his face goes red.

"Uh, yes, (L/N)-Senpai... My apologizes for that."

Senpai? Hm, he must be a first year.

"No, it's quite alright! Don't worry about it." I say with a smile, causing the boy to look flustered. I feel a presence behind me. I turn to see a shirtless Makoto.


Water droplets dropped down every crevices of his perfectly toned body. The scent of chlorine and cologne came off him.

"(Y/N)! You here to join the club?" He asks, with a closed eye smile. The question irritates me.

"Um, no... Just came over to say hello." I answer with an aggressive fake smile. I notice that Haru followed closely behind him. He was pretty damn muscular too...

I avert my eyes from everyone. Soon however, I make eye contact with the waters of the pool.

Like a bomb, the flashback of that night hits me.

"I hate being here..." I mumble to myself as I kick the sand of some private beach I go to when I want to clear my head.

It's been over two years since the move; two very hard years... I bet everyone in Iwatobi has already forgotten me...

A sigh escapes my lips before I strip from my regular clothes. I had my swimsuit underneath. I place my belonging by the shore and I run into the extremely cold ocean water. It's not a pool but it'll have to do. If I'm correct, the forecast said that there's a chance of a severe thunderstorm but, will that stop me?

Not a chance.

I swim farther out, away from land, away from life. I would swim at the local indoor pool but, little kids probably shit and pissed in it. Not only that, it's always full. It's not peaceful like this ocean is.

Drowning (Haru x Reader x Makoto) Free!Where stories live. Discover now