Forget You

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***So hello everybody. This story is coming to an end soon! Check out my other story, She Is. Please<33333? Also, I wanted to say I am pissed off! Like really, I hate it when people take your ideas and make them "theirs". Originality for Christ's Sake! 

Love, Lauren<3

Chapter Twenty Four 

Forget You 

      Leila was walking down the hall on the last day before Winter Break. It was her last period, which was free period, perfect for what she was about to do. As the halways disperes, she thought about Carter. Her brother had insisted that she stay home, since there was only a week and a half left of school, but she wanted to go to the last day. She had something to do. 

      Unfinished business, if you may. 

      However, the guys were all around her. Wade was standing next to her, holding her hand. Johnny was to her left, Luke was close behind, Randy next to Luke, Jacky was standing in front of her, and Brett was next to Jack. 

      "I feel like the president." She mumbled, obviously not happy to her body guard asset. Wade chuckled and kissed her forehead as the group stopped in front of Leila's locker. "Its only today, love. Then its only me." Wade said, winking at her. Leila rolled her eyes. "You perv." She mumbled as she turned her lock. 

      Mid way trough her combination, she her that familiar click of five heels that just made her lips twitch into a scowl. "Brittany?" She asked, her voice calm but strong. The heels stopped. Leila dug her way out of the pounds of muscle the guys barrier created, and stood in front of her, snarling. 

      "We need to talk." Leila said, digging her nails into Brittany's arm. Brittany yelped, but followed. Tanya and the Twatty Twins were about to follow, but Anne was nowhere to be seen. Leila frowned slightly. That was odd. 

      "Stay there, girls. I'll be right out." Brittany said, narrowing her eyes at Leila. Finally, Leila reached the girls' bathroom and pushed Brittany in. Brittany yelped. "Ow." She mumbled, running her hand over the red splotches from Leila's hand. Leila placed her hands on her hips, and felt big. She felt like her mother. 

      "Okay, first of all, lets get something straight." Leila said, snarling at Brittany. Brittany narrowed her eyes at Leila, but Leila didn't stop. "Your last stunt? Yeah, tacky, bitch," Leila said frowning. Brittany was about to open her mouth. "Shut up, Brittany. Its okay to let others talk," Leila said, holding up a finger. "Look," Leila said taking in a deep breath. "I wanted to say I'm sorry." 

      Brittany's face went blank. "I chose to be the bigger one here, because I for one am sick of fighting you, Brittany. I mean, I don't want to be your friend. I never want to go there again. You are self centered, narcissistic, selfish, bossy, bitchy, mean, and just plain insecure. You're the kind of person that has to put everyone down in order to feel okay themselves. And well, I expected you to be more than that, frankly. Because you're beautiful, Britt. You've got a lot going on for you. You were nice, hint the were, and fun to be around and smart, just plain cool.

       "And you can do so much better than Nick! He's just like you. He's rotten on the inside, Brittany. And you've got to be better than that. You have got to think about how you were before. And I'm sorry, for the endless fight we've hand since Freshman year. I really am. About the painting in the wall, the bitch talk, everything. 

      "I am no match, however, for all the shit you've put me trough. Spreading rumours about me, really? Yeah, that's low even for you. So I guess what I'm trying to say is... Get over your self. And I'm sorry, okay? You have no idea how hard it is for me to say it, but someone had to. So if you try and put me down again, I'll walk on by. Ignoring you. Do not consider me your equal, Britt. I don't give a flipping fuck what you do, but if you do something to me, I won't react. You're the only one bringing everything down for yourself." Leila said, staring at the wide eyed Brittany. 

      Leila turned on her heel and started walking. "Leila?" Brittany said, her voice soft. Leila turned around, her hand on the door handle. "I'm sorry about your dad." Brittany whispered, turning her head. Leila nodded, tears clogging up her throat. "Oh," Brittany said, walking towards her. "There is no chance that..." Brittany trailed off, and her voice came as a whisper. "We can be friends again?" 

      Leila smiled in spite of herself, but shook her head. "No, Britt. There's no way I'm going down that road again." 

       When Leila walked out of the bathroom, she truly felt as if something had been lifted off of her. It was stupid, really. The way Brittany and her kept fighting over something that happened the Summer before high school. 

       When she walked out, though, the guys were no longer in front of her locker. Only Wade stood there, his hands in his pockets. Leila smiled and ran towards him, throwing her arms over his neck. He smiled and held her waist, hoisting her up and slung her over his shoulder. "Wade!" Leila said, flinging her arms and legs over his body, to no use, of course. 

       "Wade put me down!" Leila said, and the final bell rang, signaling winter break was oficially starting. Whoops were heard from inside the classes as everyone stormed out of them. Wade put Leila down in between all the chaos and wrapped his arms around her waist. 

       "I love you, Leila." He whispered, and Leila's breath caught in her throat, her heart stopping. She hadn't gotten used to it. "I love you, too." She whispered, kissing his lips, making her heart beat so much faster. 

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