Payback's A Bitch

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***Yello! How are you all doing today? I'm pretty good. Sorry I didn't update earlier, I was having a massive writer's block. 

XO, Lauren. 

Chapter Twenty Two 

Payback's A Bitch 

      As Leila walked in her room, a strange sense of eerines filled her mind and heart. What she was going to do was wrong. She was well aware of that. But Brittany deserved a taste of her own medicine now, didn't she?

      Leila thought so. She really did. But something nagged at the very back of her head, urging her to think this twice. If only that little voice knew she had taught this over and over and over. But she had to do this. 

      Or had she?

      Leila wondered what her parents would've liked her to do. Not her zombie father and dead mother, the ones she saw in those pictures hung around the walls in her room. That happy couple. The beautiful blonde woman with blue lively eyes, and the man with black smooth hair and bright hazel eyes, love present in the air. 

      She wondered about what they would've liked for her to do. Would they approve of her current behavior? Would they be angry? Would they be happy she was standing up for herself? Or would they be dissapointed, because this isn't the right way?

      She thought about her mother. And she made up her mind. 

      She knocked on the white familiar door once. Footsteps were heard from inside the hollow house. Scarlet opened the door, her blonde curls falling down her shoulders. At the sight of her, her eyes narrowed and she closed the door. But Leila wedged her injured ankle in between it and yelled out in pain when the door made contact with it. 

      "Leila!" Scarlett yelled, concern in her voice. She drew the door away. "Why did you do that! You're so stubborn..." Scarlett said, helping me in. Suddenly, Leila forgot the pain. "I don't care." She blurted. She turned to me. "What?" She asked, confused. 

      "I don't care if you hurt my ankle. I'm hurting in side because I don't understand what the hell is wrong between us! What did I ever do, Scar? I never talk about you behind your back, I never lie to you, I never did anything wrong! Or I did, and I don't know! And I need to know, because I can't go on without you! There is a certain point in which I need my best friend!" Leila yelled, tears welling up at the corners of her eyes. 

      Scarlet sighed and ran her hand trough her curls. "I can't go on without you either." She murmured, tears in her own eyes. "Then?" Leila said, controling the urge of walking towards Scarlett and shaking her shoulders. "What is wrong, Scar?" Leila said, her voice breaking. 

      Scarlet groaned. "How can you not see!? How can you not see how jealous I am of you, Leila? How every single day I saw you, I thought to my self, Shit she can make jeans and a fucking Just Do It Nike tee look good? And when you became all... All prettier, how do you think I felt? I felt like a fucking slob compared to you. And I tried to ignore that, btu after the party I just... I couldn't anymore. And I couldn't fucking stand Brittany being such a damned bitch to you!" Scarlett yelled, tears leaking from her eyes. 

      Leila didn't know how to respond. She was shocked, hurt, and impressed. "How the fuck could you be jealous of me, Scarlett?" Leila asked, her voice soft. "How could you not see that every single day I looked up to you and saw such a beautiful girl with so many problems, yet so damn strong? How the fuck couldn't you see that?" 

      "How come you were so fucking selfish to back away on me like that when I needed you the most!?" Leila yelled, anger flodding her voice, her heart aching. Scarlett's eyes windened. "Leila..." Scarlett said, realization flodding her voice. 

      "No, you know what?" Leila said. "You were 'mad' at me for about two weeks for something so idiotic, Scarlett, and I can't fucking believe it. You know what? Now its my turn. Now its my fucking turn to be fucking mad at you because I swear I have so much going on in my life right now. I don't know what to do or not to do. I'm not talking to the guys, I have just started talking to Wade, the only thing going right now is the fact that I won that track competition. But besides that, really? 

      "With Logan gone, its just me and Carter and my grandmother. And yeah, you know how she is. My stupid father doesn't care enough to even-" 

      Her phone cut her off. It rang mid sentence. She looked up at the caller ID, and she felt her knees give out on her. "Leila? What's wrong?" Scarlett said, rushing to her. 

      But Scarlett knew the second she saw the screen to her phone. In bright white letters, it read: 


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