That Wasn't Enough.

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***Hello! So I was watching Glee before I wrote this and they sang this... Hence the title and chapter! Love you all(: Thanks for the votes! Comment, vote, whatever! Thankyou<3 A little background information on this chapter too! Its not over yet, guys. Its far from over. 

      -xo, lauren. 

Chapter Eighteen 

That Wasn't Enough.

      Leila walked down the hall, her dark glasses perched on her nose. She felt kind of like Emma Stone in Easy A, minus the amazing soundtrack. She swayed her hips seductively as she strutted past everyone. The Scandal a few days ago had caused quite the uproar. However, that didn't stop many people from congratulating her in the halls. 

      She pursed her lips as she walked trough Brittany's Pose. Brittany, had been quiet. Painfully quiet. She hadn't done anything, not yet. Leila had gotten a detention for the rest of the week, she would've gotten a three day suspension if it weren't for Brittany insisting it was "no big deal". That scared Leila the most. Silence. She would've much rathered for Brittany to scream at her, but that didn't happen. 

        Because Brittany knew Leila all to well. 

      The familiar pang of pain hit Leila's chest as she ignored the boy's, standing there in a circle, staring at her as she walked past. She walked into the bathroom to check her make up for the day. Today she was wearing a bright red tank top, dark jeans, and her trademark black heels. Her red lip gloss matched her shirt, her mascara still making it hard for her to blink, the thick eye liner making her blue eyes look bigger. 

      As the bell rang, a familiar feeling of urgency ran trough her body, but she ignored it. She had cut class a few days too, just adding a bit more of gasoline to the fire. After about forty minutes of lingering in the bathroom. She smirked as she turned to leave, and ran straight into Brittany. 

      Brittany was alone, no Tanya or Anne or Katie or Kelly. And somehow, that made Brittany look even more intimidating. Leila however, didn't flinch. Leila could stare at Brittany right in the eyes, since they were the same height now both of them were wearing the five inch heels. 

      "Hello, Leila." Brittany said, smacking her lips. Leila smiled a bit. "Hi, Britt. How's your day going? Have they repainted the Cheer Wall yet?" A flash of annoyance ran trough Brittany's eyes. "No. They're doing it today's afternoon." Brittany said, staring at the walls of the girl's bathroom. Leila smirked. "Too bad. Maybe its time for me to pay it a visit again, don't you think?" Leila said smugly. 

      "Shut up, Leila. Just be quiet and let me think." She said, pressing a hand to her head. "Think about what? A way to get back at me?" Leila inquired. Brittany smirked and let out a shrill laugh. "I thought that ages ago. I just need to think." Brittany said. "Well, I'll leave you to your thinking." Leila said, grabbing her purse and walking out of the bathroom. 

      "Oh, Leila?" Brittany said. "One more thing. Be careful today." Brittany said, her eyes narrowed. Leila smirked. "I'm never careful, Britt." Leila said, the bathroom door slamming behind her. But Leila should've been careful. 

      She shouldn't have talked to the guys. She should have ignored them as always. But no. She just had to talk to Jack. Because Jack has those big brown eyes Leila melts for. 

      "Nice stunt with the wall, Leila." Leila winced as she shut her locker. "You can't keep walking away from me." Jack said, and Leila stopped in her tracks. She heard Jacky's voice break. She turned around and Jack had red eyes, glistening slightly. 

      Leila walked towards him and wrapped her arms around him, Jack rested his head on top of hers and pulled her back. "Look at you all grown up." He whispered, moving her hair from her face. She smiled. "I miss you guys so much. But its only temporary, Jacky. Just while I end this with Brittany. You guys can't get involved, or you might get hurt and I would never forgive my self if you guys got hurt because I love you all so much." Jacky smiled, but it faltered. "Brittany's coming. The bell's ringing in a few minutes, watch out." He whispered in her ear, and walked away. 

      Leila turned to face Brittany, who was looking at her smugly. Brittany walked towards her.  "What happened to us, Leila?" Brittany said, suddenly staring at Leila with big blue eyes. Leila flinched at the question. "W-what?" She stuttered, her heart beating faster. "Remember us, Lei? When we used to be inseparable?" Brittany said, and approached Leila. Leila walked backwards, until eventually her back clashed against the cold locker wall. 

      Brittany stood over her, and Leila felt helpless. "I-" "Don't play dumb, Lei. You're smarter than that," Brittany said, interrupting her. "Remember how we used to do everything together? How close we were? I called your father dad, when he was home, that is. And my mother was as close to yours," Brittany continued. 

      "Remember when we were best friends?" Something broke inside of Leila, loud enough for Brittany to hear because she took a step backwards, and Leila stepped up. "So we're playing remember when, Brit?" Leila said, now Brittany backing away. 

      Leila's voice was fierce, her eyes on fire. "Remember when you ditched me? Remember when you called me a 'ugly lesbian' and left me behind for the shitty girls you now call your friends? Remember when you spread rumors about me, and stole Nick from me?" Leila said, unleashing everything she had been keeping since High School started. 

      "I didn't steal him from you, Lei. Let me remind you he chose me over you." Brittany said, her back against the wall. Leila shook her head and let out a sad laugh. "Because you told him I was a lesbian and made sure my life was a God damn living hell, right Brittany?" Brittany looked away and turned to leave. 

      Leila chased after her, though. The bell for first period rang, and everyone came rushing out of their respective class rooms, towards the cafeteria. Leila followed Brittany into the cafeteria, which was now starting to fill up. "Well guess what, Brittany," Leila yelled, suddenly angry and unaware of the many stares she was attracting. Brittany stopped to face her. "You're not running away from me this time. When High School started, I thought of you as  a Goddess, a high and mighty person. Now I realize, you're everything but,

      Everyone formed a circle around the two girls. Leila felt the anger brimming, boiling. "You've put me down all these years but no more, Brittany. Because I'm not your pawn or your pet or your fucking toy. I'm more than that. And you said those things a few minutes ago because you think you know me, Brittany. But I've changed." 

      It was Brittany's turn to look angry now. "No, Leila. You're wrong. People don't change." She snapped. "That's were you're wrong, Brittany. You used to know me as if I were you, we used to know each other so damn well. Well I changed. I'm stronger than you and your fucking high and mighty attitude so I suggest you get the fuck off your pedestal and down to earth, because those heels are keeping you from seeing things from the perspective of everyone else. Screw you and your boob job, Sweetheart." People gasped in the circle that had formed around her. 

      "You bitch! That was my sweet sixteen present, Leila. What did you get? A new pair of used sneakers?" The crowd laughed. "No. I didn't. At least I'm real, Brit. Not full of bullshit and implants." The crowd laughed harder. 

      Brittany looked as if she were going to back off, but she didn't. "You know what, Leila? You say I think I'm all high and mighty and shit but what about you? You play the poor little girl that needs help from six of the hottest guys in High School. Help, Leila. As if you couldn't take care of yourself." Brittany said. 

      Leila snorted. "No, Brit. They're friends, a concept I don't expect you to understand since you have none." Leila said, and turned to walk away. "You were my friend, Leila." Brittany reminded her. Leila shook her head and looked back from the sea of people. "I though I was, Brittany. But friends are meant to like each other. I'm not sure I could ever even stand you." 

       "This isn't the end, Leila. You better watch out!" Brittany yelled after her. Leila smirked. "I'm so scared." She said sarcastically. 

       But she was. 

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