What the Hell Happened?

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Chapter 11

She woke up in the exact same place she'd fallen asleep in, Wade's arms. She opened her eyes and took the night in. Night? She turned to look at her clock. It was only three AM, why was she up so early? She softly unwrapped herself from Wade's strong arms, trying not to wake him up, but failing quite miserably. He drew in a quick breath as he opened his eyes. "Leila? What's wrong?" She sighed and pushed her hair out of her eyes. "Nothing. I woke up." She said simply. "At three AM in the morning?" He asked. "Yeah, I'm that uncool." She grumbled. As she was stepping off the bed, Wade wrapped his arms around her. "Don't go." He whispered in her ear. She bit her lip and  relaxed into his arms. They lied down in the bed, facing each other. Wade's arms were wrapped around her waist, the other one was playing with a strand of her hair. 

She wrapped an arm around his neck and another one on his chest, drawing him closer. His heart rate quickened against his shirt, his chest pressed against hers. She bit her lip and looked into his eyes, iluminated by moonlight. "You're the coolest friend I've ever had." He whispered, looking at her softly. "Really?" She whispered back, her own heart quickening. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Yeah." 

That's when she couldn't hold it in any longer. She gasped a little and grabbed Wade's neck, pulling him even closer towards her. He gasped himself as her lips crashed against his. He bit her lower lip softly, and she gladly opened her mouth. She reached for the hem of his shirt and pulled it up, parting their lips for an unfortunate second. She kissed him back and pressed her hand against his warm, strong chest. His abs, his hard chest, his bare arms. She couldn't get enough of him. He didn't ask for anything more. Leila pressed her hand against his heart and felt its every beat, the sound pulsing in her ears. Soon she realized it wasn't his heart but hers the one that was beating as if she had ran a ten mile marathon. 

She smiled against his lips. "I love it when you do that." He whispered as she pulled away. "Do what?" She said, out of breath, her eyes closed. "Smile against my lips." He answered simply, chuckling. She blushed and bit her lip. She pressed her lips against his. "I love it too." She whispered, kissing him softly again.

Then, sudden darkness wrapped around her, pulling her away from Wade. He was lying in bed, with another girl that wasn't her. She screamed, but no noise came out. He kissed the girl's lips and looked straight into Leila's eyes, a cold glare in his eyes. I hate you, he mouthed.

Leila opened her eyes and shot up sharply. She shuffled around her bed, Wade looking at her confused, his shirt still on. It had been a dream, Leila thought dissapointedly. She sighed and looked at Wade. "Want some breakfast?" She asked, and he nodded. "Come on, lets go downstairs." She said, grabbing his hand and tugging on his arm. She slammed against him when he stood up. His hazel flecks shone even more intensly, and her heart quickened. She looked at his lips, and then at his eyes, which were looking at her lips. She took in a deep breath. "Lets go down stairs." She whispered, looking down. 

He sighed, dissapointed? And walked downstairs with her. It was already eleven, and the guys weren't up. She smiled. "Yo, People!" She yelled, and five little heads shot upwards. Brett groaned. "What?" He said, burrying his head in his hands. "Its breakfast time." She said sweetely. "What's he doing here?" Johnny said, a smirk on his lips. "He slept with you on your bed!?" Jack asked. "Keep in mind, they didn't sleep  much, Jake. Unless she fell asleep and he continued without her..." Randy said teasingly. She grabbed a pillow and threw it at him. "You guys are gross." She said, and stormed towards the kitchen. The six guys joined her. "We love you, Leila." Luke said, wrapping his arms around her waist as she turned on the stove to make pancakes. She smiled and turned around to face him, his eyes falling at his sides. "I know." She said simply, making the mix. 

"I know?" Brett asked. "I know!? What kind of self centered bratt-" Leila knew he was teasing, but she did what she did anyawys. She dipped a spoon in pancake mix and threw it at him. It splatted across his shirt and face, and he gasped. "You're gonna regrert that." He said, and walked towards her. She shrieked and ran, The guys behind her. "Food Fight!" Randy yelled at the top of his lungs. She smiled and grabbed a spoon and the bowl of pancake mix, splatting them all with it. 

Wade grabbed an egg and broke it over her head, she gasped and dumped the pancake mix on her. Randy grabbed the cheerios in the counter and threw handfulls of them towards all of them. She smiled and dashed for the fridge, grabbing the left over chineese from yesterday. 

They continued, throwing food at each other for about twenty minutes. Leila stopped and looked at the kitchen, clutching her stomach because it hurt from laughing. They were all laughing with her. "Come on guys, we gotta clean." She said in between laughter. They groaned and she passed mops and cleaning supplies. One hour later, they were done. "Go watch TV, I'll cook." She said. They whooped and walked to the living room. Leila was in the middle of making three pots of Mac&Cheese as the doorbell rang. She walked towards it and pulled it open, expecting Carter or Logan. 

Instead she found another face. 


She gasped a little and closed the door. "Hi?" She said, looking down at her shorts and loose white shirt. "You went out with Cole?" He said, his eyes clouded with something she couldn't put her finger on. "Woah," She said, taken aback by his direct approach. "How did you know?" She answered, leaning against the door. "He's kind of one of my best friends, Leila. I'd know." She gulped a little. How could she have been so stupid? Of course! Cole was with him on the football team! She mentally kicked herself. Hard. 

"Yeah. I did. What of it?" She asked, not showing him how stupid she felt. "Why?" He asked simply. "Why would you do something like that?" He asked again. She shrugged. "Why do you care? You have Brittany." She answered. He slammed his hands against the door, pinning her against it. She gulped. He leaned down and looked at her. 

Then he did something she thought he'd never do. 

He kissed her. Her eyes widened at the contact. Of course, she kissed him back. After a short, soft, beautiful kiss, he looked into her eyes. "Maybe Brittany isn't all I want." He said, and walked away, leaving a confused Leila. She heard his truck start, and pressed her fingertips against her lips. 

She turned around, smiling stupidly. Nick had kissed her. She pinched herself before going in the house, making sure this wasn't a dream. 

She sighed as she walked into the kitchen, the guys didn't even notice, they were too busy yelling at the TV screen from the couch. She shook her head and went back to stirring macarronies, Nick's smell lingering in the air. 

***Finally some Nick action! Team Wade or Team Nick? Thanks for the comments<333

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