The Christmas Spirit

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***Hello guys! So, even though She Is is practically the same, I wanted to update<33 Vote, comment, whatever tickles your pickle:) 

Love, Lauren. 

Chapter Twenty Eight 

The Christmas Spirit 

      Leila walked into the house, her heels clicking in the marble floor. "Who's here again?" Leila asked, clinging to Wade since their arms were linked. "Scarlett's family, my family, and your family." Leila frowned and looked up at him. "And the guys?" 

      "We'll meet with them tomorrow." He said, kissing her forehead. Leila nodded and walked inside. Leila caught sight of Wade's mother, and felt the urge to hide. She hadn't seen her since the wedding, and now that Leila was actually dating Wade, it was bound to be awkward. 

      But it wasn't. 

      Instead, Wade's mother smiled brightly when she saw them together. "Leila!" Joanna said, hugging her. "Mother, you've got your son confused." Wade mumbled. Joanna laughed a careless laugh, and hugged her son. 

      Her black hair was tied back in a stylish bun. She was wearing a dress right above her knees. The part where the breasts where was black, and then the rest was white. She paired it with a pair of light blue heels and a light blue shawl over her shoulders. 

      Link greeted Leila next. He was wearing a tux, without the blazer. His black shirt was rolled up to his elbows and his tie was light blue, matching her mother's shawl. "Hey, Link." Leila said as Link slung his arm around her shoulder. 

      "Leila." He said, smiling at his brother. Leila walked over to Mia, who was standing next to Rick. Mia's hair was loose on her shoulders, and she was wearing a simple blue dress with black sandals. Rick was wearing a tux. 

      Leila moved on to Scarlett's mother. Eliza's hair was styled into a bun that was moved to the left. It was twirled, making it look like she had a pretty golden flower. She was wearing a light green dress that made her green eyes pop out. 

      Leila greeted Jasper, Scarlett's father, and finally Eliza announced it was time to eat. To Leila's left sat Wade, and to Leila's right sat Logan. Leila reached for the glass of champagne and tapped on it with her spoon as she often watched people do in movies. 

       "I'd like to make a toast?" She said, more a question than a statement. Everyone turned to her. Leila drew in a deep breath. "I'd like to make a toast," She said again, more firmly. "To everything we lost, this year. To everything we didn't get, and to every single let down. To those moments we wanted to give up, but didn't. 

       "Because that is what got us trough, this year. Yes, its not new year's eve, I know, but I don't know if I'll be seeing you guys for new year's eve. Thank you, Eliza and Jared for having my family over. Thank you, Joanna for making me feel like a daughter. And Mia, for being like a big sister. And Link, for being another of my older brothers." Leila sighed and turned to her two brothers. 

       "And you," She said. "Logan, you have no idea how happy I am you're back. You... You helped me. Each in your own way. Carter, I hope to see you gone soon. I want you to start college in Cuba. I want you to be happy. Thank you for everything. Scarlett," Leila said, turning towards her best friend. "Thanks. For being there, even though we had that huge and ridicoulous fight. For making me realize that there is still some hope in the female part of our generation." 

       Scarlett laughed a shaky laugh. Leila cleared her throat and lowered her voice. "Wade," She started. "I... I really don't know what to say. Saying thank you isn't going to cut it. I really don't know what could say both what you mean and how I feel about you. Mostly to thank you for... For teaching me that not everyone's going to leave." 

      I sat back down as the table clapped and Awed. I smiled at Wade with tears in my eyes. We ate dinner, and soon enough, it was time to go home. 

       They were sitting at Johnny's house, since it was the biggest. Leila had a big bag as they all sat around the tree. 

       "I'll give you your present later." She whispered in Wade's ear. He smiled. "So will I." And so they gave out presents. The guys, particulary Randy, were crazed about their presents. Brett got Leila a Metallica and Guns and Roses shirts. Randy got her a new pair of dark blue converse. Brett got her a fake trophee that said 'Coolest Girl Ever'. Johnny and Luke got her a silver bracelet. 

      Finally, at eight, Wade and Leila left. Wade was dropping Leila off, and they went up to her bedroom. They were lying on the bed when Wade fumbled in his pocket, but Leila shook her head. "Me first." She said, smiling at him. 

      She reached for the Skittles jumbo bottle and card. His face turned into a shocked one, then he smiled and hugged the bottle. "You remembered." He whispered. Leila smiled. "I guess I did." He placed the bottle next to him and dug out a blue velvet rectangular box from his pocket. 

      Leila grabbed it and opened it. In any cliche movie, Leila would've gasped and thrown herself over Wade. But instead she stared. The necklace was beautiful. It was the one her mother was wearing in the picture next to her bed. 

      It was made out of white gold, and in the center there was a diamond shaped like a circle. The chain was adorned with swirling patterns, like vines, and decorated with small emeralds. Leila felt tears come up to her eyes. "Wade where did you..." She tried to breath out the rest of her words. 

      "Your father gave it to me." A pang of hurt and guilt hit Leila's chest, expanding into her entire body. She looked up at him. "I went to see him after the trial. When he was in jail. He gave me the code to a safe. He told me to give it to you, its inside the box, so you can go. Whenever you're ready." Wade said, smiling. 

      Leila felt a tear slide down her cheek as Wade's warm hands  wrapped the necklace around her neck. He left his right hand there, caressing Leila's neck. Leila closed her eyes, and Wade's lips slanted on hers. 

      It was a soft kiss. Wade's tounge slid along Leila's bottom lip, and she moaned in the back of her throat as she threw herself back on her bed, their lips not parting. Leila opened her mouth and let Wade in, his tounge tangling with hers, the sweet taste of him feeling Leila. 

      Leila gasped for air when he pulled away. "Leila," Wade said, his voice husky and low. "We should... Not do this." He said, gasping for air, his pulse beating fast. 

      "Why?" Leila asked, unbuttoning Wade's shirt. He gasped for air as her hand contacted with his bare chest. "Leila..." He mumbled, his voice almost unrecognizable. "What?" She said, annoyed. "We shouldn't do this. Your brothers are-" "Gone. They're not home, remember? They went to a friend's party since Logan's back?" Leila said. 

      Wade sighed, and was about to say something when Leila gave him a heart stopping kiss. She backed away, gasping for air. That's when she realized the compromising position they were in. First of all, he was shirtless. Second of all, her legs were wrapped around his waist and her arms around his neck. His weight was being supported by his arms, which were on either side of Leila. 

        "Wade?" She breathed out, her whole body burning. "Hm?" He said, staring into her eyes. "I love you." She whispered. Wade kissed her lips, and Leila ran her tounge along his lower lip, making him moan. 

      Wade toyed witht he hem of her black shirt, touching the sensitive skin around her waist, making Leila shiver. Leila felt Wade smirk against her lips, and in a swift move she moved from beneath him and straddled him, making him shiver. 

      Leila gasped as both of Wade's hands were on her waist, taking her shirt off. Leila gasped as her skin connected with Wade's. 

      Wade turned, so that Leila was below him again. He started trailing kisses down her neck, and she felt her whole body boil under him. She loved him. That's all she cared about. 

      Leila's eyes flashed open. She yawned and stretched, then hit something hard. "Ow." Wade mumbled besides her, making her smile. "Hey, there." She said, pressing her lips into Wade's. Wade smiled agasint her lips. 

      "Morning, beautiful." 

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