Chapter 3- Stiles

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Waking up is always tough, but try waking up, in pain, and on stone floor in a pitch black room.

At first I wasn't even sure if I was awake but then I realized that I could move, so I slowly tried to get up, but the pounding in my head, my broken rib cages, my cut chest and my broken wrist all hurt way to much.

Almost crying out in pain I fell backwards and landing on something cold, a second later I realized it was a switch of some sort.

Flicking the switch upwards the lights immediately came on, and I had a good look around.

For some reason the switch was in the floor, and it was hidden by tarp but I knocked that off when I fell back, there was chairs, a table, a bed, a toilet, and a big metal door, with a small slot.

The walls and floor were made out of stone, the chairs out of an uncomfortable looking wood, the toilet looked like, well a toilet, the door looked hard and unbreakable, but at least the bed looked somewhat comfortable, if only I could get over there.

Sighing I tested my legs and saw they didn't hurt, it was just my upper body.

Slowly I tried again to get up, but failed miserably. Then I tried again and again and again, but everytime I fell back.

Finally I got myself on my knees and I walked on my knees over to the bed, which then, I pulled myself up and let myself to collapse on the bed.

The bed was more comfortable than the floor but it wasn't very comfortable. Since it was my only option I laid there and slowly fell asleep.

-two hours later-

When I got up, the light was still on, but now there was a steaming plate of food on the table.

Since the plate was steaming then I knew that someone had been here in the last couple of minutes. They had also left some bandages, a mirror, paper towels and cream.

I got up and slowly shuffled my way to the table. Sleeping had given me more energy but not much. As soon as I got to the table I collapsed in a chair and tied but my wrist and then ignored my broken wrist pain as I messily wrapped my ribs, and I used some paper towel to clean the cut in my chest, which I also smothered cream on it.

Then I grabbed the mirror and looked at my face. I groaned at my face, when I saw my injuries.

My lip was cut, a piece of glass had cut my head and underneath my eye. I had bruises everywhere.

Sighing I smothered cream on my face, then I looked at the food but I couldn't find myself hungry.

All I could think about is the pack.

Are they okay? Have they noticed in missing? Did they decide on a vacation for pack bonding? What are they doing right now? Does Scott have his inhaler just in case? Has Isaac found his lost scarf? Did Derek eat dinner? Did Lydia call? What if Malia and Jackson had another fight? Or my dad and Melissa finally decided to date? What about the twins? Are they finally in the pack? Did everybody go to school.

Thinking about all the bad things that could happen to the pack made me freak out and all the sudden I couldn't draw enough air, and my breaths were getting quicker and I started get lightheaded.

I barely noticed the door open, but then somebody clapped their hand over my mouth and under my nose so all the sudden I couldn't draw another breath, and I found my self frantically pushing the persons hand away.

When they finally removed their hand I felt myself able to draw nice and even breaths again.

Looking up at my capturer I felt my heart sink. Theo was standing in front of me, and right beside him was the dread doctors.

"We just need to run a few tests." Theo told me smirking, "it will only take a few days then." He added as an after thought then I saw blackness.

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