Chapter 22- Derek

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He is just about to stab me again when Stiles bursts up and the chains that were holding him down are all snapped.

His eyes are red, but with streaks of gray- just like in Derek's eyes.

He lets out a roar, and he grabs the poker stick and pushes my father against the wall.

With one swift movement Stiles bashes his head in and then before anyone could speak he collapses.
The minute Stiles collapsed, the pain that had made me fall, let up.

Instantly I was running to the underground laboratory.

The pack- my pack- was already there diving underwater.

I pushed past the younger wolves and within seconds I was running into the place where my mate was held.

The scene before me was horrible.

There was a operating table that was laying on its side and only a couple of steps away was Liam's dad who's head was bashed in.

I knew he was dead with just a glance. Liam was crying as he looked upon my deathly still mate. 

"STILES!" I yelled as I dropped down to the boy that I had come to love over the years. 

I quickly felt to see if he had a heart beat. It was faint but it was there. 

"We need to get him inside." I ordered as Scott helped Liam up from where he was strapped. 

I lifted up my mate and run past everyone to the house on the island of nightmares. This was supposed to be a stress reliever but my mate was dying in my arms.

When I got to the house I immediately started taking pain from Stiles and checking over his injuries. 

By the time the rest of the pack was in the house, Stiles was improving. 

"He will live" Boyd said as he checked over Stiles thoroughly. I promised myself that I would tell him that he is my mate as soon as he wakes up.

Glancing down at my watch I settled down beside my mate. 


Two hours had passed and Stiles still hadn't waken. 

"Come on Sti, my love. We need you to wake up so we can go home baby"

I sighed and reached up to check how strong with my mate's pulse was. 

I felt my world crash around me. The breath left me as I knew that my mate was dead.

"Stiles?" I said as I stood up and checked his pulse again. 

I let out a strangled sob as I began CPR. 

"SCOTT, BOYD!" I shouted as I tried to revive Stiles. 

I didn't even know how long he had been dead, but I needed to save him. 

Scott rushed in and Boyd was about five steps behind him. 

"No" Scott said as soon as he caught sight of his all but blood brother. He slid to the floor. 

"Move Derek" Boyd demanded rushing past me. 

"No" I sobbed but he threw  me to the side as he continued CPR, and trying to draw pain. 

"He's gone" Scott answered dully from the ground as he watched Boyd try and save my mate.

"I know" Boyd whispered. 

"No, go away. GET OUT!" I shouted as I rushed to Stiles. 

"Please don't leave me, I need you. You are a pack momma, you are my mate. I am in love with you! If you stay dead I will literally go out of my freaking mind! You need to come back from the stupid bright, white light. Come back to me. Please Stiles." I pleaded as I sobbed with my head over my unknown love's heart.

"Derek?" a quiet voice asked. 

A pulse filled my ear and the feeling of pain vanished. 



Sorry its short, I really didn't want Stiles to die, but he has a reason that his heart stopped. He will not be dying in this book.

I know it took me forever to update but I just finished my first week- well half week- of sophomore year in high school!

Anyways, vote and comment!

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