Chapter 8- liam

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True the Stiles word, he wouldn't tell anybody. Whenever somebody asked he just changed the subject or walked away, but he was always by my side.

Finally the next day Lydia and Parrish knocked on the door, and a confused Derek opened it.

"LYDIA, PARISH!" The whole pack screamed, but they ignored him and ran right to me.

They both pulled me into a hug and Lydia started crying. Then they pulled Stiles into the hug and they all ignored the rest of the pack.

"Are we going to tell them?" I asked in a small voice.

"Well we have to, because you kind of need somewhere to stay after this." Parrish told me.

"I never thought of that." I whispered my voice shaking.

"Sorry Buddy, but it has to be done." Parrish said.

Crying I nodded my head. "Can one of you tell them?" I asked shaking.

"Yeah I'll tell them" Parrish told me. I nodded and we separated well Parrish left the hug and Lydia and Stiles hugged me closer and then had a battle who would hold me.

Needless to say Lydia won, so she hugged me closer and I buried my head in the crook of her neck and I cried while Parrish gritted put the story.

"We need a vacation." Was all Derek said when the story was finished.

"What?" Lydia asked outraged. "We just told you that your pack member was being abused and you think about VACATIONS?" She yells at him.

Parrish rubs her back and she clutches me tighter.

"No I mean, we need to get away from here. We need to leave this place alone, get ride of the stress, we need to just leave." Derek says, pulling out the phone Scott got him as a birthday present.

Lydia just stares at him and begins to slowly blink.

"Maybe your right, when we get back we can take care of everything when we get back." Lydia tells us.

I smile at the thought of a beach somewhere, maybe a remote island.

"Since Stiles and Liam recently went through attacks, can the pick?" Scott asks.

Derek sighs then nods. "Yeah."

I smile at Stiles and we walk upstairs to Derek's bedroom.

"Okay buds, where do you want to go?" Stiles asked me.

"I want to go to a remote beach island!" I said eagerly whispering.

" I want to go on a camping trip" stiles said sticking out his bottom lip.

We thought for a little but before an idea hit me but I really didn't want to do it.

"Uh- Stiles I know where we can go." I mumbled.

"Where?" Stiles questioned and I told him, and he nodded but looked at me concerned.

"Will you be okay going there?" He asks me. I nodded.

"You guys will be there so nothing bad can happen." I told him nervously.

"Okay, let's go tell the pack." He told me and then he slung an arm over my shoulder.

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