Chapter 13- Derek And Stiles

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"Where's perry?" Phineas asked from the tv. I saw Stiles lean slightly forward.

"He went through the tree, that one that you guys sit under every single freaking day!" He told the television.

I pretended not to notice him, as I contemplated on how to say sorry to Stiles. I hadn't mean to yell at him, but I just snapped when he said nobody cared about him.

It has been torture sitting here waiting for a guide to lead us on the boat with all of our stuff, we are going to have to make two trips.

Sadly Scott, is making Stiles, Liam, and Isaac ride the second trip with him, and the rest of the pack go with me and some of the bags.

"Cadence just take a stupid picture!" Stiles shouts again at the tv making Scott hit him.

"Shh I have never seen this one!" he tells Stiles. I wanted to laugh at their childishness but then my name was called out and I had to claim the boat and get everyone situated so I leave the room load up some bags and assing seats and then go back to the waiting room to tell Scott I was leaving.


"Fine I'll just go talk to some random stanger" Stiles retorts as I walk in. I walk over to Scott and inform him I'm leaving. Then I turn around to say goodbye to Isaac and see Stiles talking to some girl.

I marched over there and saw her and Stiles exchange numbers, and Isaac is watching over them. I feel like killing something but then Malia is pulling me away telling me to hurry or I wont be able to ride with them.

(Stile's P.O.V)

So after I get yelled at by Scott for wanting to change the show, I meet up with this blonde name Cassie.

She is cool, she talks to me about Jeeps, and pretty soon the boat arrives back and me, Scott, Isaac, and Liam board it.

Everything was going just fine till, Scott told me that Jeeps were lame and that I should own a motercycle instead. That's when the pushing started, and then the most terriblest thing happened.

Scott pushed me out of the boat.

"Help!" I called to him. By then Scott is running over to cut the motor and Liam is trying to me back over but then he slips and falls in to hitting me in the head.

"Stiles! I am so sorry!" Liam yells at me which of course draws the attention of Scott and Isaac. They both run to us and they end up falling in to which results in someone kicking me in my back and side.

"REALLY?" I ask having to yell over the sounds of spalshing around, Scott just gives me a sheepish smile, and some how we magange to get back on the boat, but now its dark and its freezing cold.

Twenty minutes later we navigate towards the dark dock and we turn on the light to let people know the can tow our boat back to the cmpany, as long as someone drops it off three weeks from now.

Then we grab the bags that we brought with us and we walk up to the cabin. When we get there we see the pack cooking dinner and setting the table.

Me and Scott exchange a grin when we see our favorite food being cooked, pasta and curly fries. We open the door and file in one by one still soaking wet and it gets super quiet.

"It was just a cat fight." I tell them as we go stand in front of the fire. Derek continues to cook, and the rest of the pack bursts out laughing.

"What happened" Lydia asked us.

"Scott pushed me in" I told her. Lydia grinned and smacked Scott on the arm, and then told Jackson, and Parrish to go get  towels.

Derek stood there scowling. The moment I saw him I sobered up and stood quietly beside Scott and Liam who were still cracking jokes.

Sorry this update is so late but I just joined high school and I'm taking a AP class and two advanced classes and band so it's a little hard and it takes a ton of time!😁😁

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