Chapter 14- Derek

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I hated the silence between me and stiles but what could I say to make it go away. I lashed out at something he had said, something he believed and I told him to grow up, but I thought Stiles was perfect the way he was.

Dinner was a quiet ordeal with everyone being tired and I noticed Stiles kept wincing at his injuries, but I'm pretty sure he hates me right now.

I feel really bad about what I said, and now Scott, Jackson and Liam won't even let me near him.

About half way through Stiles excused himself to go shower and head to bed. I felt heaviness when he didn't even glance my way, but I deserved it. I just needed to figure out how to apologize to my mate.

After dinner the pack, well except for Stiles who was still on the shower, to watch a show. We argued a bit before I got tired of it and went to the bathroom.

Groaning I noticed Stiles was still in the shower so I walked deeper into the hallway on the way to the back restroom when I heard sobs.

On instinct I turned around and used my werewolf powers to open the door, which revealed Stiles sitting on the floor in his shirt and underwear, sobbing.

"Why, Stiles, what's wrong?" I said hurriedly. Stiles just looked away from me wiping the tears.

"Nothing" he said. His voice cracking.
I frowned and entered the bathroom shutting and locking the door behind me.

"Stiles, it's okay, just breath." I told him as I sat beside him pulling him towards me.

Which seemed like a bad idea because Stiles then began to sob even harder.

"I'm so sorry, Derek." He says between the sobs.

"No Stiles I'm the one who is sorry, I shouldn't have said those things and I've been guilty the whole night." I said softly, pulling the younger boy in my lap to hug him.

Stiles snuggled into me, sniffling.

"Can we be friends again?" He asked me. I smiled so big.

"Yes Stiles. No more fights" I exclaimed happily.

"Pinky promise?" He asked me looking up to reveal his tear stained face. Guilt ran through me.

"Promise" I said grabbing his pinky.

Omg I'm so sorry I haven't been updating, but I've been busy with school and my link to wattpad worked for one day and then stopped working so I have to type from my phone which sucks cause it gives me headaches, but I'm trying. Like and comment what should happen next.

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