Chapter 21- Liam

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Just then a sudden thought hit me right as they brought in Liam who was struggling.

What if I could that freaky protective thing again?
I stormed into the house after I ended the conversation with stiles, who by the way can be super insensitive.

When I stepped into the house everyone was tied up- including Derek.

Just then my dad walked into the room, wearing a suit.

"Ah, Liam, nice to see you my son, where is stiles? He is the only pack member missing." My dad said while stroking his stubby chin.

"What are you doing here?" I shouted inching my way closer to Derek.

"Well I need your blood to create Skylar- the female version of you- and I need to get whatever it is that stiles has. He is not normal. He is somebody's mate." My dad said and then he whirled around and eyed Derek, and Scott.

"You two are Alphas and you have a pack consisting of each other's betas and omegas. You have one chance to tell me who is mated to Stiles." My dad warns.

Isaac shifts and strains, and Lydia tries to hide her face, which was covered with tears from pain. Parrish and Boyd are trying to untie each other. Malia is... eating the chains?

"Dad stop" I said and my dad placed his hand on a switch and when no one spoke he pushed the switch down and the power cut off.

I hear Stiles stand up from the porch and he gave a little groan.

"Of course" he mutters.

"Excellent, get Stiles and Liam" my dad says to his pack, and I lunge sideways and use my nails to cut the lines that were on Derek. They were used to drain power.

After I freed Derek, I freed Scott and Cora, who started freeing other people when she got her bearings about her.

Within seconds the house was filed with shouting and out of the corner of my eye I see Stiles run into the house.

I groan and Derek looks up from his fight and when a werewolf picks up Stiles, Derek slashes his opponent down and runs after them.

I can hear Stiles let out a brutal scream of pain and we can all smell his blood.

Once I can see, fully in the dark, I realize that it was my dad who took Stiles and I remember the pain of his beatings.

He would kill Stiles.

I push myself away from the other beta I was fighting and I chase after my father, just in time to see him get tripped by Derek and Stiles is thrown into the air.

I run forward to help Stiles when the beta I was fighting earlier starts crushing Scott.

After a split second thought process I changed paths and helped my co-alphas out.

Of course that means that my dad and Stiles gets away, but we could find them after this.

When I get close enough to the fight I push the beta off of Scott and we wrestle while Derek starts to track down Stiles, and Scott helps me take the beta down.

Finally Scott is able to slash off the betas head and we are helping each other up when behind me I hear a voice I wished to never hear.

"I've got the human, find my son" and I recognize my father's voice, but what really sends chills down my spine is the other voice.

"Got it" Theo says and I remember countless times that I had fought against him.

Before me or Scott could move Theo slashed our sides and instantly I feel my body get paralyzed, but the weird thing was that I still had feeling, and the feeling right now was agony.

"WOLVES BANE!" Scott shouted and then somebody picked him up.

I groaned as Theo grabbed me and then he started running to the water.

The ice slush was some what helpful for the burning agony that was going on inside my body.

In seconds we are back inside the secret place Stiles found- and I see Stiles tied to a table.

An operating table.

"Liam" Stiles says while trying to fight the chains around him.

I wanted to call out to Stiles but the pain was too much, and if I opened my mouth I would scream.

Me screaming would be giving my dad satisfaction and I wouldn't do that.

I am tied down to a chair across the room and I watch as my dad inspects a knife.

"What joy it will be, to kill you Stiles. Just like your dad killed my brother." My dad says and he aims the knife at Stiles' head.

"How many times I envisioned this sweet victory. And you know the best part? Well besides the fact that I got to kill you, ah yes, everyone you feel that you are dead- especially Derek Hale. Your mate." My dad says and he uses the knife to cut underneath Stiles' eye.

"No!" I shout and lurch forward as Stiles clenches his mouth close.

"Shut up." My dad says and I continue to struggle and try to get away.

"Fine, every time you talk I will burn Stiles and make him scream." My dad says and he goes over to the fire.

I gasp when I see the fire poker. He stabs the sharp into Stiles' chest.

A scream of pure agony erupted from Stiles and my inside felt like they were burning.

I immediately shut my moth, determined not to give my father any more reason to hurt Stiles.

I heard Derek let out a roar and on the camera's, I see him fall to the ground. Everyone is already running towards the secret place.

"Now that we are clear, let me finish this" and with those words my father slammed him knife into Stiles' chest.

Pain fills me again and my dad grins as he walks over to me.

"You turn" he says and he stabs me in the stomach. Pain fills me with every inch. Pain over losing Stiles, and my last words were angry. I  had yelled at him before walking away. He was just trying to help.

He is just about to stab me again when Stiles bursts up and the chains that were holding him down are all snapped.

His eyes are red, but with streaks of gray- just like in Derek's eyes.

He lets out a roar, and he grabs the poker stick and pushes my father against the wall.

With one swift movement Stiles bashes his head in and then before anyone could speak he collapses.

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