Chapter 23- Stiles

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"Please don't leave me, I need you. You are a pack momma, you are my mate. I am in love with you! If you stay dead I will literally go out of my freaking mind! You need to come back from the stupid bright, white light. Come back to me. Please Stiles." I pleaded as I sobbed with my head over my unknown love's heart.

"Derek?" a quiet voice asked.

A pulse filled my ear and the feeling of pain vanished.



I was dead, for like twelve minutes. 

I remember felling some pain but then every once in a while someone would grasp my hand and the pain would vanish. 

I remember the exact moment I died. 

The moments leading up to my passing were filled with memories of my childhood. Like when my mom and dad celebrated my third birthday, my first day of school, my mom's passing. 

Eventually I came upon one moment- a pack moment.

We were all sitting at Derek's old house- his parents house

It had been fixed up, but now everyone was scared to go inside. We had all seen the inside, just not all at the same time. 

Derek kept biting his lip and pacing in front of the entrance. 

After while, my stupid self sighed and pushed past everyone. 

"It's just a house now, Derek. We changed it" I assured him as I took a deep breath and shoved the door open. 

Derek growled at me but he followed me inside. 

The house was spectacular and we ended up doing our first pack night in there, which consisted, eating on paper towels and sleeping on the living room floor. I ended up by Derek which made me smile. 

Derek- oh boy, I never told him how I felt. 

The comforting feeling that was brought on by the memories was dragging me down. I felt a struggle as I pushed my way to the top. 

I must see Derek!

I was almost out of the comforting feeling when I felt it surround me, pulling me to a bright light. 

'NO!' I thought and I tried to call for help, I needed Derek. 

I felt my body getting heavier and then right as I was pulled into the bright light i felt someone grasp my hand. 

Then I was consumed, I knew it was over so I let myself relax as I could feel tears on my skin. 

"Stiles?" I heard someone question me. 

"Mommy?" I asked when I saw a woman who I remembered through pictures. 

"You shouldn't be here" She chided with a laugh. 

"Uh I'm pretty sure this is what dying is, and um I'm dead" I sarcastically shoot back.

"Uh sorry" I mumble when she raises an eyebrow. 

"You're not dead, you are just earning your power. You should have been let go by now" My mother informs me with an eye roll. 

"Oh" I say dumbly. 

"Just say you want to go back." She ordered and I feel a pang of sadness. 

"But I want to stay with you" I whimper. 

"Derek and dad need you" she reminds me gently. 

"But-" I start to argue but she holds up a figure. 

"No buts, I have to go now, just go back. Tell dad I love and miss him, and inform Derek his mom wishes that she could be there for the wedding- I do to. You two will have an amazing wedding. Love you baby" My mother says and then she is gone. 

"Mommy" I whisper. 

"I want to go back" I say when my mother does not come back.

In that moment I was thrust out of the comfortable feeling and I could feel Derek sobbing on my chest. 

"Derek?" I ask.

"stiles?" He asks right back because I should be dead. 

"Your mom said our wedding will be awesome" I inform him and Derek raises his head up and gives me a crazy look. 

"I didn't get to meet her, I did get to meet my mom, she said that you mom wishes she could be there for the wedding- we should reserve seats for them." I ramble and Derek gives me a weepy smile. 

"Next time, I get to be the one who dies" He tells me with a tiny laugh. 

I can tell he is shaken up though because he doesn't release me, but instead holds me tighter. 

"STILES!" Scott yells bursting in. 

I allow a smile as the pack comes to me in waves. 

"Hey, listen dude, don't like, ever, do that again" Jackson tells me awkwardly. 

"Alright, i'll try" I promise as I ruffle his hair. 

It felt good to be alive. 


Last chapter of Such a Tease! 

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