Chapter 26

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I held my hand over my mouth to hide the yawn. The dinner had taken its toll on me and I was exhausted. I sat in a couch next to Claire and Heather as they fussed over Ethan and I being engaged. They examined the ring every five minutes. They drank wine I drank water I really wanted to sleep.

Ethan was nowhere to be found he and his brothers were off somewhere talking. Carl avoided me as best as possible while his other brother's came and gave me hugs and kisses.

I wanted to put my old bones to rest. The women in the room talked about countless things and half the time I was just lost to what they were discussing. Emily was across my legs sleeping and I wish we could trade positions. I yawned again, water coming to my eyes.

"Cassabelle do you want to put Emily in the room you guys are staying in?" Heather asked. Staying in?

"Staying in?" I asked puzzled.

"Yes, didn't Ethan tell you? I don't get to see my children as often." She looked sad.

"He didn't tell me."

"Now you know."

"But I didn't bring any clothes." I must have looked terrified, because she just laughed.

"You can get something to wear from Claire." She turned and tapped her daughter on her shoulder, she spoke and Claire grinned over at me.

"It's like we are real sisters." She grinned widely at me.

"Awesome." To be honest her perky ways are unsettling. They talked and laughed, I just sat there listening to them. Ethan and I needed to talk about him not telling me we were staying. I need sleep right away.

"Can you show me where the room is now please?" I whispered to Heather. She shook her head and stood pulling Claire to follow behind. I stood with Emily and walked behind them looking for Ethan but didn't see him. They took me to a large room with a king sized bed, it had a lot of pillows on it, there was also a couch and an en suite bathroom. Cool.

"You like it?" Heather asked.

"Yes it's cool." I continued looking around. I set up Emily in the middle of the bed. Claire had gone to get me clothes to put on so Heather and I were alone in the room. This was where Ethan grew up he knew nothing but the best. He knew nothing but the lavish fancy life.

"You love him." Heather said sitting beside me. How does she know that?

"How do you know that?" I asked my face turning red.

"The way looked at him at the dinner table, you have that glint of happiness in your eyes." She smiled at me.

"Yes I do but I don't think he feels the way." I sighed and slouched.

"You don't need to worry about him feeling the same because he does." She patted my back. If he feels the same he doesn't show it. "I know he might not be the best at expressing his feelings. He has been hurt before and he isolated himself, he buried himself in his business you're the first girl he has brought home in years. Just give him time and the fact that he finally asked you to marry him after many consideration means he's serious about you." She reassured me. Ethan didn't just ask me to marry him because I mentioned it he was considering it. Who had hurt him before? Mandy?

"I don't push anything if he wants to tell me he tells me. I am patient with him." I said to her as Claire came into the room with a shirt and shorts. I took them for her and went to the bathroom to put them on. The clothes were a little big but I could live with it.

"Oh Cassabelle, Ethan was looking for you but I told him you were settling in the room." Claire said.

"Thank you." I said coming out of the bathroom. "Where is Heather?"

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