Chapter 14

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The drive back to the house was excruciating, we sat in the car his face was tight and the air was tense. I didn't want to make eye contact with him he was angry. He had no reason to be, my ex-boyfriend and my ex best friend were getting married. The reality suddenly hit me they were getting married and I wasn't, I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes. I was jealous that Amy and Brad were getting married none of them were the marriage type I was. This was Ethan's fault. How is it his fault? I just need someone to blame.

The car drove through the gates and stopped I opened my own door and walked really fast to the house. I opened the door, ran up the stairs to Emily's room where I put her in the crib and I locked myself in the bathroom. I sat on the toilet and let the tears fall. I was falling apart I loved Emily to tears, but what about my happily ever after. Brad and Amy they were going to live my dream of the house and the kids. There was a knocking on the door.

"Belle are you okay?" I heard Ethan's concern voice asked. I was far from okay I was hurting, I didn't love Brad but I did like him and Amy she was my best friend she was like my sister. The tears came harder a sob escaped my lips, but at the moment I didn't care.

"Belle what's wrong?" He sounded worried. Let him worry.

"Nothing is wrong." I lied and my voice cracked.

"You're lying." He said behind the door.

"Fine I'm I just have really bad cramps." It wasn't the truth but it wasn't a lie either.

"Come on your crying and it's not from bad cramps tell me." He knew whenever I was lying I don't know how.

"Ethan just leave me alone." The tears came harder.

"Fine." I heard like footsteps leaving and I was relieved. Let me cry in peace. My life was shit and it couldn't be fixed. If mom was here she would tell me what to do in this situation she always knew what to say. The door burst open, Ethan now in the bathroom. He broke down the bathroom door.

"You broke the door."

"What's wrong?" His voice tender. I just wanted to be left alone, but Ethan somehow made it better. The tears still came, he lifted me off the toilet and we were in my room. He laid me on the bed and lay behind me he let me cry on his shoulder. He just laid there his arm wrapped around me. I had stopped crying but I didn't want to move so I went to sleep.

I was awoken by the soft snoring of Ethan he hadn't let me go he held on. I turned around to face him; his mouth was slightly open just like Emily's. I stared at him while he slept he looked peaceful and relaxed. He stirred a little but didn't open his eyes he just tighten his grip. His muscles were well toned he must work out. I found the edge of his shirt and slowly ran my hand over his stomach. He feels nice. I felt my fingers rub it hard abs they felt really good, he drew me even closer and I could feel his hard pelvis against my legs my eyes widen in surprise.

"That's what you get for rubbing me down." I didn't realize that he was awake.

"I wasn't." Why am I trying to lie it was pointless.

"If you want sex all you have to do is ask." He was teasing me.

"I shouldn't have to ask." I played with his pants waist.

"Do you want to?" His voice was serious.

"I can't." Today was my red day.

"Why not?" He looked puzzled. I showed him the calendar and today was marked in blood red. He looked at me like he understood what I was saying. He just held me like he was scared to let me go.

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