Chapter 27

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I opened my eyes to the blinding sun light. I was alone no Ethan no Emily. She must have woken and he took her downstairs to feed. I stretched my legs and my arms and got out of the bed. I walked to the en suite bathroom washing my face and brushing my hair, there was a toothbrush I suspected to be Ethan's so I used it. I looked at the ring on my finger with a smile on my face. I'm getting married.

I walked down the stairs hearing loud talking and laughter. He wasn't kidding when he said they were loud, but he is quiet and secretive. I bumped into something soft and squishy, it was Carl.

"Good morning." He said.

"Uh...morning, where is everybody?" I asked.

"Downstairs. I have to go to the bathroom so see you down there." He smiled and walked away. I walked down the last flight of stairs to find people talking and kids running around nearly knocking me over. Kids.

"Cassabelle you're awake." Claire beamed. Well. I said sarcastically in my head.

"Yes. Where is Emily and Ethan?" I looked behind her to see if I saw them.

"Well mom has Emily and Ethan is somewhere outside talking on his phone." She explained.

"Was Emily crying?" I asked.

"No mom just came in your room and took her."

"So your mother woke her?"

"No she was awake, Ethan called mom to get her."

"Okay. I'm going to get Ethan off his phone." I told her and walked away. As Claire said Ethan was outside talking on his phone, his back was turned to me, he was yelling at someone about finding something or someone. I crept up behind him his muscles flexing in his shirt.

"I don't care how long it takes Phil, I want it done." He yelled and hung up the phone. He ran his hand through his hair like he always does when he is frustrated. I hugged him backwards and he jumped in fright. "Good morning." He pulled my arms and turned to me. "Did you sleep well?" He asked.

"Good morning yes I did, did you?"


"Who were you speaking too?"

"Phil the head of my security, they had a problem, but it's being resolved so you don't need to worry." He kissed my forehead.

"We need to get inside before your mother comes to get us." I pulled him inside the house. The place was even louder with laughter. Heather and everyone were around the table eating breakfast. She had Emily over her shoulder patting her back.

"Do you want me to take her?" I asked and she glared at me. "I guess not." I sat between Claire and Ethan. They gave me pancake and egg.

"Do you want some coffee?"

"No but orange juice will do." I smiled. They talked and I listened to their weird jokes. They were a loving family and I was going to be a part of it.

"So I came to the kitchen last night and guess what I saw?" I heard Claire asked and I choked on the orange juice. "Are you okay?" She rubbed my back.

"Yes." I said in a husky voice. She smiled and Ethan glared at her.

"What did you see?" Charlie her husband asked.

"Nothing." She just continued her breakfast. Emily looked comfortable in her grandmothers arms. "Oh did you guys know that Cassabelle did gymnastics?" All eyes were on me once more. I looked at Ethan for help, but he just looked at me like everyone else.

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