Chapter 6

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I went to lunch with Mary Ann and a few other women. We sat at a table together and they talked about other people until they reached Ethan.

"So what's Mr. Bakersfield deal?" I asked biting my sandwich.

"Well I heard that his girlfriend ran off with some other rich guy." One of them answered.

"I heard he wanted to get married and have children and she didn't. If you ask me if he wanted a million kids I would give him." Mary Ann smiled. It was getting really uncomfortable talking about him. They moved on to other topics but I didn't participate in it until they turned their attention to me.

"So Cassie how's your daughter?" One gave me a genuine smile.

"She's okay." I smiled at her.

"I really can't wait to see her on Friday." Mary Ann chipped in.

"She's not coming."

"Why not?" Mary Ann asked looking a bit disappointed.

Well because you see I don't know which parent will carry her. "She's too young." I answered blankly.

"Well look who is coming over." Mary Ann said and everybody started fixing up themselves.

"Who?" I asked and turned around and saw a man with red hair and dimples walking towards our table.

"It Jason Adams." Mary Ann answered looking at her teeth in a spoon.

"Oh my god the Jason Adams." I said sarcastically. He was near now and I looked at him and turned around rolling my eyes he was cute but not my type. He cleared his throat and the rest of the ladies were on flirting mode Pathetic. I rolled my eyes at them and continued my sandwich. He cleared his throat again and tapped me on the shoulder.

"Yes." I looked at him with a blank expression.

"I am Jas..." I interrupted him.

"Jason Adams I know." I said to him. We want to get back at Ethan use your limited flirting skills. I said to myself and put on my best smile.

"That's good." He smiled and moved a little closer.

"So how can I help you?" I asked him I really wanted to know his purpose for disturbing my lunch.

"Would you like to go out Saturday?" He asked confidently.

He was really brave to ask me out in front of a bunch of women ogling at him. I had to give him props for this. I didn't have any plans for Saturday but what would I do with Emily. Leave her with Ethan he said he wanted to get to know her it's a good time as any other. That wouldn't make me a bad mother for leaving her with him I know he won't let anything happen to her I trust him with her but not with me. I need to tell him that when I went back upstairs. "Well..." I trailed off as I saw Ethan come into the lunchroom looking for me. "Yes I will. It's a date." I said as Ethan came in hearing distance.

"Alright it's a date." He smiled at me and was about to walk away when he saw furious Ethan.

"Mr. Bakersfield are you all right?" Jason asked. Ethan gave him a look at Jason walked away briskly.

"Mr. Bakersfield didn't know you knew where the cafeteria was." I teased him. His lips were in a hard line.

"Ms. Johnson your lunchtime is up." He snapped and the women jumped.

I looked at my wrist watch and he was right I had gone 5 minutes over my lunchtime. "Oh I hadn't noticed Sir." I gathered my lunch remains.

"Well ladies see so you later." I said before walking away. Ethan was behind me all the way and I stopped at the bathroom door.

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