A stranger in a tracksuit

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"I'm so sorry sir I didn't watch where I was going!", Tsuki apologized to the old man she just bumped into.

On her way to school she thought it was a good idea to pay a visit to the Tenjin shrine in order to pray for good grades in her upcoming tests. She noticed that this wasn't the best idea, when the clock told her that she had only ten minutes left to get to school. In a rush she bumped into an old man dressed in traditional clothing.

"Don't worry young lady. It's alright. I'm sure you were on your way to school? Aren't you pretty late?", the old man answered friendly.

"Oh yes! I thought I might pray for good grades but I'm so late. I have to go now. I'm really sorry for bumping into you, I will be more careful from now on."

As Tsuki said goodbye and started to run, the old man could see her face. Shocked he watched as the the girl disappeared.

"My lord! This girl!", a woman with short black hair stepped forward just as shocked as the old man.

"I know Mayu. She looked just like ... but ... thats impossible!", Tenjin said not sure what he just saw.


"Oh boy, mum will be so angry if I'm late for school again.", Tsuki cursed while she made her way through the crowded street.

When it came to being late Tsuki had a neck for it. Her mother always told her to be more thoughtful with her time but that just wasn't her thing. She loved to walk around for no reason.

Finally she was almost there and it looked like she would still make it in time.

But fate just wasn't on her side that day.

As the number of people decreased she noticed a man passing her on the left side. Her gaze was fixed upon him and he was looking at her as well.

With the exact same blue eyes.

He was wearing a tracksuit and some weird looking bib around his neck. His hair had the exact same color as Tsuki's.

Even though that man had a pretty bad taste in clothes, there was something that made her feel comfortable around him. Not to mention the way he smelled. It was a soothing scent that she had never smelled her entire life.

As they were slowly passing by each other the man was looking at her with wide open eyes.

"Yato hurry up we'll be too later for our job!", Tsuki heard another boy's voice calling out

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"Yato hurry up we'll be too later for our job!", Tsuki heard another boy's voice calling out.

"I'm coming, I'm coming! We don't have to rush like that all the time!", the man next to her answered catching up to a blonde boy.

Still watching the man, Tsuki stopped walking. What was it about him that caught her attention like this.


It was strange. That girl Yato just saw had the same blue eyes he had and the exact same hair color. Not just that. Something about her felt very familiar.

"Hey old sweaty hurry it up would ya?", Yukine nagged at his master.

"If you are calling me old then remember that old people aren't that fast!", the god replied annoyed.

Yato had finally received a new job call. All he and Yukine did up until now was Phantom hunting for quiet some time. Nothing had changed the past twelve years. All the two of them did was fighting Ayakashi and taking on some random jobs whenever they got them. Despite that, Yukine was still sure that if they kept on doing their work, it would make Yato a god of fortune one day. So Yato followed his lead like he always did, trusting him with every decision.

"You know when we finish this job we could pay Kofuku and Daikoku a visit. We haven't seen them since a few month. After all they did for us we should show them our gratitude at least once in a while. I'm sure they would be thrilled to see us."

After Hiyori was no longer part of their daily live Yato decided that it was time for them to finally move out at Kofuku's place. The reason they were staying with the two of them was because of Hiyori in the first place so she could teach Yukine.

That was one reason.

The other was that there were too many painful memories for Yato in that house. Whenever he entered a room he saw Hiyori. He saw her laughing with the others. That beautiful smile of hers haunted him everywhere. Like she was still there for him and Yukine.

But that wasn't the case.

She was gone.

Because of him.

Finally able to life the life she was supposed to life before they met.

Seeing her everywhere made Yato's pain even worse and he was sure, Yukine had a hard time as well. Just the thought of Hiyori forgetting about them made him cry once. Given their connection Yato felt his Shinki's pain about loosing her. He tried his best to stay strong so Yato wouldn't feel needless pain but his master told him that it was okay to feel sad.

Thats why Yato decided that it was time to leave the past behind and leave the place they called home the last few years.

Since then he and Yukine were wandering around sleeping in different shrines every night just like they did at the very beginning. In order to properly care for Yukine, Yato made sure to be more careful with his savings so Yukine could buy books to learn by himself. Even though Hiyori wouldn't be teaching him anymore he wanted to make sure that he could continue to learn new things. That was all he could do for him after taking his home away from him as well as a dear friend.

"HEY WATCH OUT!", Yato heard a voice pulling him out of his thoughts.

He wanted to turn around and see who it was that was calling out but before he could even move a single inch he felt someone pushing him from behind making him fall over.

Behind him he could make out the sound of something big crushing on the ground and someone was lying on his back.

As fate would have it.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt