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Alexandra to the side
Song: Trapped

2:43 am
That's was the time. I was walking down the empty road with a black bag in ripped leggings and an over sized sweater even though it was probably 90 degrees. I walked until I reached the 7/11 gas station at the corner of an abandoned street. The lights kept flickering on and off. I walked inside noticing the older man behind the counter slowly drifting to sleep. I scanned the aisles and grabbed a water. I made my way to the front where the man was off in wonderland. I stepped behind the counter carefully making sure I wouldn't wake him. I grabbed 2 packs of cigarettes and a couple of pipes and bongs from the shelve, I had put everything inside my bag that I was carrying and quietly made my way to the front. I turned my head to look behind me when I bumped into a rack of chips. I tried to prevent it from falling, lucky enough it wasn't loud enough.

I picked everything up and just as I'm about to walk out the door with everything I needed, my arm was yanked back.


"Where do you think you're going young lady?" The older man glanced down at me with a stern look of his wrinkly face. I stood there quiet as he dialed 911. 'I am in some deep shit' I thought to myself. I looked at my watch and it was already 3am when the cops came.

^^^Police Station^^^



The younger looking woman looked at me with annoyance. "Look, sweetheart. The faster I get the report in the faster you can go home" I gave her the middle finger and sat in silence. The look on her face was pure anger and I had to control the urge to laugh in her face.

"That's enough" Officer Dawn said making his way over to me.

Dawn was the chief of this place, he basically always got me out of trouble with the law. "Come into my office, Alexandra" I got up and walked into his office after him. "Alex this was the last straw, you're being put back into the system. I've already pi-"

"WHAT?! You can not put me pack in the system! Please Dawn!!" He shook his head.

"I'm sorry Alex but I've already picked the family you will be with now and you've been enrolled into school." I wanted to cry so badly but I held back my tears sinking into the chair I was currently placed in. "You've been given many warnings, too many at that fact. Shop lifting crosses the line." I didn't say anything to him for a while.

"What school?" I asked in a whisper

"Eastwood Academy" I groaned 'Great, a school with annoying rich kids, how lovely.. At least Sophia goes there' Sophia Wells has been a close friend of mines before I dropped out in my freshman year of high school. "Your new foster parents will be here in the morning" I sighed and layed down on a couch he had in his office.


"Alexandra, your foster parents are here" I mumbled incoherent words and sat up rubbing my eyes. I was not excited about this at all. I stood and tried to straighten my back out. Dawn opened the door and came in a couple probably in their mid 30's. The woman was about 5'9, dark brown hair and hazel eyes, and she was naturally tan. She was wearing faded jeans and a white blouse with white flats. The man was maybe 6ft, golden brown hair and blue eyes, also naturally tan.

"Jennifer, Spencer. This is Alexandra Forest. Alex this is Jennifer and Spencer Reed, your new foster parents." While Jennifer looked like she wanted to cry I wanted to puke. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. "Excuse her, she can be a bit difficult and she's been through a lot. Give her time and she'll come around." They nodded and walked out the door and out of the building with me right behind them. I stood next to Jennifer waiting for Spencer to bring around their car I guess.

He pulled up in a sleek shiny grey Bently. "That's your car?" I gaped. "Well it's his. I have a Mercedes Benz." "So you guys are like rich or something?" I asked getting in the back seat of the car. "Well I'm a Lawyer" Spencer said as he drove onto the road. "I'm a doctor"

My mom was a doctor, she was amazing from what I can remember. I wanted to cry from the thought but I didn't and we soon pulled up to a rather big house, at least to me it was.

 I wanted to cry from the thought but I didn't and we soon pulled up to a rather big house, at least to me it was

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I got out from the car and followed Mrs and Mr Reed inside. "Alexandra, your room will be up the stairs take a left and its at the end of the hallway" Jennifer told me. So I went up the stairs, to the left and down the hallway. I looked at the door that was in front of me and I walked in.

It wasn't anything special, just a plain room waiting to be cleaned up and decorated. I looked down at my clothes and realized I needed a shower but I didn't have any clothes with me. was about to walk out the door when I bumped into Jenn. "Oh, sorry. Um I wanted to take a shower but I have zero clothes." I said looking anywhere but her. She smiled politely and gave me a box. "These are old clothes, they were my daughters when she about your age" I nodded and said thank you. "Oh and hun while you're in the shower I gonna go run down stairs and then leave a debt card on the dresser over there so you can go out and shop for whatever you need." And with that she left. I placed the box on top of the bed that felt like a cloud. I looked through different items of clothes and finally came upon some black high waisted shorts and a lose tank top which was basically a crop top, but since I'm wearing those shorts you wouldn't be able to tell.

I took a 15 minute shower and got dressed. I also put on black n white socks with the converse I was wearing earlier. I grabbed the card that was on top of the dresser and went down stairs to find that Jennifer was gone but Spencer was scrolling through his phone. "Uh hey?" It came out more as a question. "Hello, Alex. Jennifer was called into the hospital but we got you a few gifts."

I honestly don't know why these people are being friendly, my other foster homes were torture. I was basically the slave of the unknown. I slowly made my way towards him as he gave me a box. I opened it to reveal the iPhone 6s in rose gold. Woah did not see that coming, I 've never even had a phone. "We already put in our numbers so if you need us call us." Okay, now I'm suspicious. What I did not expect was this. "Here are the keys to your new car"

'Whaaaaaa??? This has to be a dream'

"Go before it gets late" I did exactly that. The biggest surprise yet, they got the exact same car my father used to drive and at that moment I started crying. It was a 1969 Dodge Charger in black. I got inside and remembered all the times in this car with my pops. After I got my shit together, I went to the nearest mall to buy clothes and everything I needed for my room and unfortunately school.

I had to enjoy this while it last, cause every dream you eventually have to wake up from.


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Published July 24th 2016

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