Chapter III

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Aaron Carter & Brandon Jackson to the side

Song: Universe


***Alexandra's POV***

Saturday came by rather quickly. I was anxious, nervous, and I don't even know. I was doing this for Benny and that's it. It was currently 9:15 in the morning and I had to get up n dressed in twenty minutes. After laying on my back for another five minutes I decided to get up. I took a quick shower and brushed my teeth. I didn't bother with make up and just put my long ass hair into a high messy bun. I changed into black leggings, a white tank top, and black toms.

I grabbed my phone and one of my side purses and walked down stairs to see Mr and Mrs Reed cooking breakfast and setting it on the table. "Uh do you need help?" I asked putting my things down. "No, I think we're good. You can just go ahead and sit we'll be done in a minute" I didn't say anything and sat in one of the chairs looking amongst the food they had made. Eggs, toast, bacon, fruit, pancakes and some apple juice.


I ran down the stairs as fast as my little legs could carry me. My parents and I always cooked breakfast together when we could. Although my parents had very demanding jobs they always made time for me. I was an "only" child, a miracle at that. My mom was infertile but here I was.

Once I made it to the kitchen mom was putting on her apron. Mom loves cooking while my dad just loves eating. Once she saw me she smiles and got my apron from the hook. She made sure it was on properly. As soon as we started cooking we knew dad was gonna be down in minutes. He has a nose of a blood hound. We made our specialty. Egg Bacon Cheese sandwich. One for me, mom, and dad. It's what we always did, it was our time to be a family. "Mom. Should we start the count down?" I asked and she nodded we started setting up the table "10..9..8..7..6..5..4..3..2..and 1" My father came running down the stairs and sat down looking at the food hungrily. Me and mom laughed at him as I placed his plate in front of him. We took off our aprons and sat with him. That was our weekend.

*End Of Flashback*

"Alex? Are you okay?" I snapped back into reality and noticed worried faces on both of them. It was only then that I realized I had tears rolling down my face. I quickly wiped the tears away and looked anywhere but them. The memory was painful for me. I always wondered what it would be like if that night didn't happen, if we weren't in that house that night. I would still be with them, I wouldn't be the drug addict I was today, I would be happy and peaceful. Jenifer had put a plate in front of me. I did my best to avert my thought away from my deceased parents. I only ate the fruit that was on my plate and finished drinking my apple juice. I wasn't all that hungry anymore.

"You both go ahead. I'll clean up here" I only nodded while Jen smiled and kissed him lightly. Please stop with the PDA, I was not a big fan of PDA. Jen grabbed her stuff as I did and walked out the house with me. She was driving to the mall I had went to last time. "Are you ready?" She asked me as she parked her car. "Yeah, I guess I am. I was also wondering for one of the walls in the room if I could use as an art wall?" I asked as I stepped out the car and looked over at her. "Yes, that's fine." We walked inside the over crowed mall; Let the fun begin, note the sarcasm.

**End Of The Day**

I was completely exhausted. Not only did we shop for my clothes (Way more than I ever needed in my opinion) but also a lot of stuff for my room. So let me take you on a little tour of the room. I wanted to keep the white walls for one. Now as I said before I have a queen sized cloud bed in the center with two side tables against another two plane windows. I added in a large black fuzzy rug, in front of the room was now a vintage wooden desk with a laptop placed on top along with a side lamp. I had two beanbag chair placed next to the desk. Now on the built in shelves I put all the vinyl's I had bought and just under on the last shelve which came about mid thigh for me was my Vinyl player. I was lucky I found this one. It looked exactly like the one my dad used to have. I also hung Christmas lights all over the room. And right above the desk I started painting a hamsa mandala hand.

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