Chapter I

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Sebastian to the side
Song: Broken Record
Enjoy the first chapter of DROP OUT!!

* "Mommy, mommy! Look at what I found!" It was an ordinary day. My mom, dad and I were at the beach just like every other Saturday evening.  Except that night wasn't just any ordinary night.. That night my parents were murdered in the very home I grew up in.

It was already 10 at night when I left the mall. I didn't get much, just some clothes, notebooks and pens. I didn't feel like going back home, hell I didn't even feel like driving. So whatever I did buy I placed it in the truck of the car and walked down the street with my hands in my pocket. It was a about 20 minutes until I reached an old abandoned building. Home.. Just  cause I was 'adopted' by these people didn't mean I had to follow by their rules and lifestyle. I walked into the building where the smell of weed instantly hit me. This was my home before what happened.

Before I came here I used to live on the streets, under bridges, and in abandoned houses. I used to harm myself because for me, there was no other escape. That was until Riley Jackson found me and brought me to this place and got me into LSD (also known as acid). When I was caught last night I was still pretty high from my last dose. I try to hide it as best as I can and sometimes people wont even notice. I went up to the second floor and walked into the grand hall. You could say that Riley was quite well known. He wasn't technically in a 'gang' but he was a drug lord.

He had his back facing towards me as he was talking to some other men, gathered around a table which, from my point of view was filled with white powder and tabs. I coughed slightly to get his attention and sure enough he turned around with the power slightly shown just under his nose.

His eyes went dark as he dismissed everyone else in the room. I stood with my back against a wall and he started taking long strides towards me. Once we was standing in front of me he out both is hands on either side of me on the wall. He looked down at me but I didn't dare look up. "What are you doing here?" He said just below a whisper right next to my ear which sent shivers down my spine. "Riley..I know you don't want me here but I just came by to pick up my last couple of tabs and to get out of your  life" He moved slightly to make eye level with me. "Listen very close to my next words to you" I nodded "I'll give you a couple more doses and when you leave tonight, I never, ever  want to see your face here again. Or else-" He pulled out a small pocket knife and flipped it open running the blade against my cheek. "I will hurt you then kill you slowly" His voice filled with hatred and venom. I nodded quite quickly before he pulled out a little baggy with about 5-8 tabs. I slid it in my pocket and walked out the old building.

I wiped my cheek to see blood had covered my entire hand. I had turned back on the phone I had gotten only a couple of hours ago. Once it was on it blew up with missed phone calls and over 50 messages.

10 missed calls from Jennifer

8 missed calls from Spencer

Jennifer: Where are you?! Please call us.

Spencer: Alexandra? Please pick up the phone or at least message us letting  us know you're okay at least..

The rest of the messages consisted of the same thing. It was already 11:53 when I was decided to pop a tab and start walking back to the parking lot which was, once again 20 minutes away.

Once I saw the car parked, I started seeing different colors and swirls. I went to a depressed crappy mood to a weirdly happy and calm one. I stood against my car looking up at the multi colored sky. I closed my eyes as all my current problems faded away into a dark abyss.

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