Chapter XI

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Tuesday. February 14, 2017
10:10 PM
Riley's POV

I should've killed him.. I was on my sixth way to kill him for kissing my girl! The worst part, she kissed back. I was beyond ready to have her back. To take back what was rightfully mine. The street lights were dim as we waited for her to be alone. Once they finally walked away from each either, I couldn't help but noticed the wide smile on her face as I imagined his head getting ripped from his body. Once no one was around and she was walking towards our vehicle, I motioned my men. They grabbed her, covering her mouth and nose area with a rag that was dipped into chloroform; They dragged her body into the back laying her down. I took one good look at her, smirked, and whispered,

"Happy birthday, Darling and welcome home"

***Wednesday (next day) 2:00 AM***
Alex's POV

Fuck.. my head is pounding. It felt like a really bad hangover and then someone struck me with a damn wrecking ball.
I groaned, and tried moving my arms but was restricted. I ran my tongue over my dried, chapped lips. Damn, I need some chapstick.. I open my eyes and saw nothing but darkness. Ahh shit, I'm fucked. And hungry.. food.. I could really go for a cheese burger right now..
Damn it, stop Alex. You don't know where you are and you're thinking about food. I struggled to get lose from what I could tell was rope around my wrist and ankles. It came to the point where I realized it was useless to struggle. The damn knots were to tight.

I was blinded when a light came on upon my head and I had shut my eyes tightly. Slowly opening them again, my breath got caught in my throat. "I should've known.. what the hell is wrong with you?" He only stood there, staring at me with his arms crossed. He smirked and came closer to me, kneeling down one knee he was eye level with me. I looked to the side and shut my eyes tightly. I felt his finger against my chin and turning my head to face him. I felt the tears starting to rim my eyes. Riley was bipolar. He'd lash out on me sometimes or he'd be completely sweet and kind to me. There was no in between. We were together for maybe almost three years.

"Look at me, Kitten." Damn it.. I could feel my eyes starting to water. I took a deep breath and finally brought myself to look up at him. Tears ran along my cheeks and down my face. He took his thumb wiping away the tears. "It's okay, little one. I'm here now, and I'm never letting you go again." I felt the ties being cut away from my wrist and ankles. I didn't bother trying to escape and run. There was no point. There was no escaping Riley. I got lucky the first time. I was lifted into his arms and carried to the second floor. He was in his good moods. This is the side of Riley I fell in love with, the sweet caring side. The one who loved me. I hated myself for always coming back to him, whenever he abused me, he would try to spoil me afterwards with his words and gestures. And I always fell for it. He had walked into a bathroom and the tub was filled with water and bubbles. He set me on the toilet seat and I just sat there, my arms at my side not bothering to move or resist him. He stripped me of my clothes and for a few moments I felt truly naked. Not physically but mentally. The scars he set on my body and mind will never go away. Soon enough I was placed in the tub and I brought my knees up to my chest, and rested my chin on top. I felt his hand on my back, he kneeled down and placed a wet kiss on my cheek where tears stained my face. I sat there in complete silence, while he bathed me and talked about how much he "missed" me. Maybe.

I couldn't register anything in my mind, everything was just passing by and I couldn't bring myself to fight back. I'm right back to where I used to be, the girl who I promised I would never be again, the girl who's scared and alone in the world. He brought me to his room and placed me on his bed and laid right next to me. I curled up in a ball with my back facing him. He draped his arm around my waist and pulled me flushed against him. I felt his breathing go down, which meant he fell asleep. Leaving me awake and fighting the demons I buried away for so long. The demons and monsters I wish I could keep buried away..

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