Chapter X

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Valentine's Day
Alex's POV


This is what I wake up to. Sofia, Sebastian, and Aaron screaming while jumping on my bed, waking me from my beautiful sleep. I was actually dreaming, I don't exactly remember of what but I knew it was something good. I groaned and tried covering my head and knocking them off the bed. Suddenly, everything was quiet. I peeked out of my covers to see all three of them standing at the base of my bed, arms crossed and with deadly serious faces. It was actually kinda scary. I groaned, "Why, why are you guys here? It's only-" I paused to check the time and screamed, "5:08!" I was beyond pissed right now. Why couldn't I get one day of sleep? You don't know? Well it's because of my insane idiotic people I call friends, that's why. "Aren't you guys suppose to get ready for school? It's Tuesday right?" I asked stretching my limbs at the edge of the bed. I turned to look at them, which they all stood dumbfounded. "What?" I asked.

Sofia sighed, "Typical you. Forgetting your birthday" she started frowning. It's true. Every year I forget my birthday and the only reason I remembered these past couple of years, is because of Benny and Sammie. If they didn't say anything I would've carried on without even knowing. I just don't get what the big deal is about birthdays. "Oh, right. I forgot.. Hold on.." I paused, "How old am I?" I said sheepishly. Yeah, last time I celebrated birthday, I was 7, so obviously I lost track. Days blend together. Sebastian and Aaron just stood there shocked by the fact that I don't remember how old I am. "Really, Alex. You're 18!" Sofia shouted. Oh..

"Get ready. You have your tattoo appointment in an hour. Sebastian's going with you while Jennifer, Aaron, and I stay behind to get everything ready." And with that they walked out.

I took a quick shower, got out did everything else and changed into light jean shorts, a black V-neck shirt and my black vans. Simple. I took my time getting down the stairs, cause I really didn't want to leave my bed. Spencer went to work early so he could be home by 2. As more Jennifer, she's staying here with Sofia and Aaron to do.. whatever the hell they do.

"You ready?" Sebastian looks over at me and I nod. "Yeah, you're driving too." I state and he just grin. What's with boys and those boyish grins? "Alright, come on. You don't want to be late, do you?" I shove my head and bid my fair wells with everybody. We drove in Sebastian's car to the tattoo shop.

I was looking down at my phone at the tattoos I wanted. I took a picture of the drawing I did and brought the actual drawing just in case. I always wondered what my parents would think of this.

"Tell me about your other tattoos" Sebastian says, breaking the silence between us. I was ashamed and I wasn't scared to tell people what happened to me and my life. "Well the Mandala on my ribs is an exact replica of the one my mother has and the one on my forearm is my fathers, same thing. I guess I was always in love with them I decided to get them tattooed on me forever." I carried on looking out the window as the cars go by.

"How old were you when you got them?" He asks. "Hm." I actually had to think about it. "Well my mother was the first one I got, maybe 3 years ago when I was 15 and then a year later it was my fathers." It sounded about right.

After that he stayed silent. There was something different about him. He didn't talk often but when we did, it's like something else in me changes. I can't explain it, but it feels like I've known Sebastian all my life. Completely insane if you ask me. When we arrived it was a couple minutes before 9.

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