Chapter XIII

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Sebastian's POV

It was getting darker by the minute. I decided to go back to her house and see if there was any luck. As I started walking once again, I heard small faint foot steps. Maybe it was just in my head. I thought to myself.

Okay. I knew damn well that I didn't imagine that. I turned around fast to see where the voice came from. I started walking towards a small slowly moving figure and when it reached the dimly lit lamp, the face was as clear as day. "Alex.." My pace quickened. She fell to her knees and before she could hit her head on the pavement, I caught her in my arms. Her body fell limp. She was bloody AND bleeding. She was bruised and scarred. I reached in my pocket to grab my phone. 911.
"Hello, what's your emergency?"
"My friend, she's injured badly. I need an ambulance now!" I yelled into the phone and gave the operator my current location. I looked at Alex's tear stained face. I can't imagine the torture she's been through. The pain and suffering. I dialed Sofia's number and almost immediately she answered. "You need to get everybody and meet me at the hospital."

"Woah, hold on. What's going on Sebastian?" She replied confused. "I found Alex.." I whispered and hung up. The sirens and flashing lights of the ambulance became clear. It wasn't long before paramedics had her on a stretcher. I hopped into the back and held on her hand as the paramedics did whatever the hell they do.

About fifteen minutes later they're rushing her in the hospital. They pushed me toward the waiting room. Everyone else was already waiting anxiously. I sat in a chair when their heads snapped toward my direction. My elbows rested on my knees and my face in the palm of my hands. Sofia had sat in front of me. "Sebastian.. What happened?" She sighs. I rubbed my face and looked at her. Everyone else, the Reeds, officer Dawn, Sam and his girlfriend, Benny, Aaron, and Brandon all looked at me. "I was walking when I heard her faint voice. She's badly injured. Bloody, bleeding, bruised, and scarred... She looked so vulnerable and weak." I breathed out. Images of her came back into my mind. And I couldn't get them out. Her bloody face and body was a nightmare. A deathly silence hung over us. I stood up and started pacing back N' forth. It's been two hours since we all came in. And I could see the patience running low through all of us.

"Family of Alexandra Forest?" A doctor came in and she was looking through what I assume was Alex's files. I was the first to stand in front of her and everybody crowded behind me. "How is she? Is she going to be okay?" My sentence was rushed. "She's fine. You all can see her, but please be careful. She had just received some surprising news and is still in shock." The doctor said. I'm sure everyone was confused as to what news could've been given to her. But right now the one thought across everyone's mind was she was alive and okay. We all rushed towards her hospital room. Her foster parents and Sofia being the first ones to enter. When I realized they stood still and silent and were starting at her, I was confused and walked passed them. Alex was sitting up on the bed with her knees tucked into her chest, arms wrapped around her legs. Her white hair covered her face but you could automatically tell she was crying. She looked up and the tears were flowing from her face. She tried taking deep breaths but they didn't seem to help. I don't think anybody knew what to do. She breathed out words I don't think anybody was prepared or expecting.

"I'm pregnant."

Before anybody could speak or even register anything, a voice choked out. "What?.." We all turned our attention towards Nathan Forest. Alex's older brother. "Nathan." She looked at him with sad eyes and started crying again. And in an instance he was next to her. She whispered something to him. He embraced her into a tight hug as she clung onto his shirt. Confused was definitely something we were all feeling. Especially since Alex pretty much hated him, they were blood. Everyone in the room was silent. Taking some minutes to fully take in the shocking news. A few minutes later the door opened. "Alexandra Forest?" A new voice came in, and once again our attention was directed to two officers. "We have a few questions for you." She simply nodded and told everyone to stay if they wanted. Nathan stood opposite to everyone else.
"Sebastian?" I looked over to Alex to see her motioning her hand for me to come over. I sat in the chair next to her bed. She grabbed my hand and held it tightly. I smiled softly at her.

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