Chapter VIII

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Song: Not Gonna Die



Unknown POV

I was pacing back and forth in my office, running my hand through my hair and over my face every few minutes. I stopped when there was a knock at my door, "Come in," I stepped behind my desk and sat down. "Well? Was he followed?" I looked at the tall figure whose face I could not see.

"Yes sir. He was with her" I stood up, chuckling at his response. "Who does he think he is, stealing from me and my precious treasure." My voice was loud which echoed throughout the house. I faced a window and stared into the night sky. "Um, sir?" I turned my head ever so slightly, "What.."

"Didn't you kick her our and threatened her to never come back?" I stayed silent.. He was right, I did do that. "I did. Didn't I? Well, now it's time for me to take that back, and take back what's mine." I started, "Gather my best men, I have job that needs to be done" I seen him nod and walk off. I turned my head back towards the window.

It's time for you to come home, Alexandra..
• • •
Alex's POV 7:00AM

I was in a peaceful slumber, a relaxing dreamless sleep.. But someone had another idea. Someone decided, because they're obviously insane and don't sleep, thought it was appropriate to ring me at seven in the damn morning on Saturday. I groaned as I covered my head with a pillow trying to block out the obnoxious ringing. And as if, it kept getting louder, and louder with each ring. After it stopped I sighed and hoped I could fall back asleep. I relaxed again, bad move, it rang again. "What the hell do you want?!" I yelled as I sat up from my previous relaxed state.

"Well it's about time you pick up, Snow White" the annoying voice of Sebastian Peters rang in my head. "The boys and I are taking you and Sofia out to a private beach." I scoffed, "As if. I'm hanging up and going right back to sleep. So good day to you, Sir" I was about to do so when he said "I wouldn't do that if I were you"

"And why the hell not?" I asked, "Well because we're parked outside and Sofia is getting impatient and ready to barge in if she has to" I frowned. I got up from my bed and looked out the window, and he was telling the truth. The boys were sitting in a van as Sofia was leaning against it tapping her foot impatiently.

"Fine" I sighed, "I'll be out in a few" and I hung up. So much for sleeping in. I went to the bathroom to do my business and brush my teeth. I changed out of my comfy pj's and into a sky blue bikini. I threw on white ripped shorts, grabbing a small bag and stuffing it with a towel and an extra change of clothes. I put on my sun glasses slipping on white sandals, and writing a note for Jennifer and Spencer. Grabbing my phone, I walked down the stairs setting the note on the table on my way out the house.
"It's about time" Brandon shouted. I flipped him off. I could see the smirk forming on his face and rolled my eyes. Sofia and I got to the back of the van.
After 15 minutes of silence, other than the faint sound of Twenty-One Pilots playing throughout, everyone was on their phone besides Brandon since y'know he's driving.
"How much further is this place?" Sofia whined. "We're almost there ba- err Sofia" Brandon mumbles keeping his eyes trained on the road ahead. Mhm.. I'm so finding out what's going on between them"
After another 20 minutes of Sofia whining and Aaron and Sebastian's stupid, annoying singing, we arrived at our destination. Turns out we're in a small town just outside of Houston. Plus with Brandon's fast ass driving, we got here in half the time than average. And I have to admit, the scenery was breathtaking. The sand was white and the ocean was crystal clear. It was surreal. It was nearing 9 o'clock and the place was empty. The boys immediately jumped out and were pushing each other down the slope towards the isolated beach, leaving Sofia and I to unpack everything.
After everything was unpacked, Sofia and I laid out a huge blanket making sure it was secure and doesn't fly away: I took off my shorts and laid down on my back. My sunglasses covering my eyes from the blinding sun. "Aren't you coming in?" Sofia's soft voice resounded from above me. "Yeah, in a few minutes. Oh and I wanted to ask you something" I leaned up on my elbows looking towards her. "What is it?"

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