Chapter VI (Part 2)

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                                                                Song: Simple Existence


Alex's POV

--->10 AM Sunday<---

  I slept probably 7 hours , which is actually quite surprising since I don't really get that much sleep. I got out of bed and went straight to the bathroom, regretting it almost instantly. My hair looks like a birds nest, and my clothes were barely on my body. I shouldn't complain, if I were wearing make up I'd looked like a crying depressed clown. I put on a cold shower, stepping into the tub after removing all my clothing. I washed my hair and my body. I was in there for no more then 15 minutes, maybe. Once I was out I changed and walked out the room and towards the room on the first floor with the piano. For some reason I felt drawn to it. I didn't know why. I also didn't know if Jennifer or Spencer were home or not. I sat on the bench, running my fingers across the keys. The only light that came in was from the windows all around the room. I pressed a key lightly and started playing whatever came to mind. Playing the piano always came naturally to me.


I tip toed down the hallway so my parents wouldn't hear me. The floor boards were always creaking. I was only 5 when this day happened. I went to my mothers favorite room in the entire house. Her music room. I snuck in and climbed up the old wooden bench has I sat there and stared at the keys for what seemed like hours. My tiny fingers tracing each and everyone of the keys. I pressed one note and it echoed throughout the room. For a moment I was scared that I was going to get in trouble with my mom for even being in here. I closed my eyes and let my fingers press whatever keys they landed on. I played, I played, and I played my little heart out. "Alex?" I heard my mothers voice from the door way as I jumped down and looked to the floor. "Oh Alexandra that was beautiful." and all I felt from that moment was my mothers embrace, her hold, and her warmth. She pulled away and looked me in the eyes "You're not mad mama" I said. "No, of course not baby, why would I be mad?" She responded, I shrugged my shoulders, not really sure myself. She picked me up, sat on the bench and placed me on her lap. I looked up at her and looked back down at the keys. "Tell you what, princess. Every Sunday, I'll teach you something new on the piano." I smiled and nodded at her. I loved her so much, I still love her. And that Sunday I learned something, something I will never forget..

*End of Flashback*

I finished playing the last notes. With a sigh, I looked around the plain room before my eye's landed on four standing figures.

"Uh, Alex.. You're friends are here to see you" Spencer's voice echoed, as Jennifer stood silent and behind them stood Sofia and.. what was it.. Sebastian, I think. "How long have you guys been standing there?" I stood up and before they could reply I said, "Never mind, don't answer that.. just follow me." going back up to my room and closing the door behind them. "What're you guys doing here?" I asked sitting as my desk. "Well I was walking here and this one-" she pointed over to Sebastian who was looking through my vinyl's "- decided to tag along" She finishes sitting on top of my bed. "So where did you learn how to play piano?" Sebastian said carelessly. I must say the question took me off guard for a minute. I sighed, stood up and pushed him away from my precious vinyl's before he breaks them.

"My mother" I stated simply. I stared out my window looking at the sky. "Alex is basically the Jack of all trades" Sofia perked up. I saw Sebastian raise an eyebrow and say "Oh really? What else can she do?" I just sat there and glared at Sofia. Sometimes I just can't stand her. She began listing off things, "Well as you heard she plays piano, she paints, she, sings, she also does photography. Oh and cooking! Her brownies are to die for" She started rambling on and on and on. As she got lost in her little magical world, I noticed Sebastian looking around to all my canvases. "So you painted all these?" He asked taking a quick glance my way. I nodded 'yes' and we both kept silent until Sofia returned from her world of magic. "Alex!" she shouted tackling on my bed. She started shaking me and squealing "You have to make your special brownies" I was a bit hesitant about it. It was my fathers recipe. But in the end to make her shut up and I sighed and nodded in agreement. The three of us walked down to the kitchen where I found a note,

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