Chapter VI

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Song: Animals


                                                                               Alex's POV

-->Saturday Night<--

     The night of the college party came by faster then I thought. Sofia wanted me to "dress up" but there was no way in hell that was going to happen. With that done and said, I decided to wear dark high waisted shorts, a black crop top, and black high top converse. I had my hair down in it's natural waves, wearing no make up at all. I also convinced the Reeds to let me drive tonight. It wasn't hard finding the place. Just follow the loud music, rows of cars, and smell of weed. Sofia managed to save a parking space for me.

"Alex, please try not to get totally wasted. Or your foster parents will kill us both." Sofia stated as we walked the path of stone that led up to the door of the mansion. As soon as we stepped inside I lost Sofia. I was trying to look over the sea of people, until I spotted her flirting with some jock. Typical her, really. Sofia was always the flirt, people adored her. I mean who wouldn't? I found my way to the kitchen a couple minutes later. I grabbed a bottle of Vodka from the counter and took a sip from it. I sat up on the counter drinking from the bottle every second or so, watching kids stumbling in and out without a care in the world. Once I finished my first bottle I started to become tipsy and swayed side to side. Soon enough half way through my second bottle Sofia walked in with Sebastian, Aaron, and Brandon. "What're you doing in here all by yourself?" Aaron asked. I just smirked and held up my current bottle of Vodka, I jumped down from the counter I grabbed Aaron's arm and pulled him out the kitchen towards the dance floor. I took the last couple of sips from the bottle and set it on a table. "Dance with me" was all I said. The song Animals by Martin Garrix came on and I just swayed my body in sync with his. My back was against his chest as he held my hand across my own chest. When I looked around I saw Sofia and Brandon in a corner about to kiss when a drunk girl came between them. Note to self: Find out about Brandon and Sofia.. And when I looked the opposite way Sebastian was dancing with some chick I couldn't tell who. My stomach churned, as I watched the two grind on each other. "What's wrong?" I turned around to see Aaron looking down at me. I shook my head and leaned up to his ear I said "I'll be right back" So I squeezed my way through the crowd and back towards the kitchen. I took a shot of tequila and some sips from a bottle of Jack Daniels. As people came and went, I was about to take the last couple of sips of the bottle when little miss ginger and her dumb ass boyfriend, the captain of the football team, came in laughing about who the hell knows. I kept silent, seeing if she would notice me and lucky me she did. I took sips N' sips and more sips from the bottle. "Awe, will you look at that, the pathetic loser is all by herself. Figures" She scoffed looking at me from the center of the kitchen. I took my last sip gripping the bottle in my hand hearing it crack ever so lightly

"Listen here you cunt. You don't want to mess with me, cause I promise you I will fuck you up and mess up that pretty little face of yours.. Oh wait you already did with, what's that? Make up? You're a fucking joke Ginger." I smirked "And we both know that, cause you'll never be anything besides a bully who can't do shit on her own" I stood in front of her waiting for her response and instead I get a slap to my face. I stood there for a minute before I started laughing my ass off. I could feel her stare and many others on me. "What's your problem, freak?" As I started to control my insane laughter I looked her dead in the eyes and whispered in her ear so only she can hear "You'd be in good shape if you ran as fast as your mouth" I stepped back and watched her mouth open and close. "What can I say Ginger? Life's a bitch, oh wait, that's you" I head some chuckles from all around but I was only focused on her. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have another bottle of Jack Daniels to finish." I turned around and before I could even look back I was on the ground. She kicked my ribs over and over again before I flipped over on my back. "Who's the bitch now?!" She yelled straddling me as she punched my face and jaw. To be completely honest it didn't hurt as much as you think. Once I had enough I quickly put my hand around her throat, her eyes went wide and she had her hands tightly around my arm. "It's cute how you think you can beat me, but remember I grew up on the streets, where a lot of big drug dealers, and fighters are at. I pushed her off me so I could stand. I brushed off my clothes looking down at her. Blood dipping from my nose and mouth. I turned around to walk away before this happened.. "No wonder your parents were murdered. You're crazy, they're lucky they didn't have to raise a crazy freak like you. I'd feel sorry for you and your parents, but they're dead." That was the last straw.. I turned back towards her and went for her throat again cutting off any air she had. I pushed her against the counter, tightening my grip around her neck. Pressing and releasing every couple of seconds so she gets a little air. "You can try to bring me down, take away my dignity, but don't you ever talk about my parents, or next time-" I leaned in closer to her "I will kill you, and you will beg for mercy" I punched her side and jaw, like she did to me before I turned around to leave. I could feel every pair of eye's on me. I looked back at her and only saw fear. Society takes me for granted and there badly mistaken. I walked out the house with two more bottles of Jack Daniels. I sat in my car and reversed out of the parking space. I know, I know.. drinking and driving. But in all fairness I was only going about 20 miles per hour. Since my next destination was only a couple miles away I figured why not. I parked my car once again, only this time I was at the beach my parents always took me to. I got out with my bottles and walked along the dock that was covering the dark sea. I looked down at my knuckles and noticed the bruising that was taking over. I leaned against the pole on the corner edge of the dock. I let my right leg hang over the water with my left knee up to my chest holding my first bottle. I never knew how much you could miss your parents until after death. Death does something to you.. It takes someone or something you can never have back. But like Life once asked Death: "Why does everyone love me but hate you?" Death responded with "Because you are a beautiful lie while I am the painful truth...". That's how life works, and it's the truth.. Life is a beautiful lie, Death, the painful truth that no one can control. I noticed I was about done with my first bottle when I heard a voice..

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