Chapter IV

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Song: River Flows In You (Also the song Alex and her mom used to play)

Enjoy! :)

***Sebastian POV***

Snow White had ran out of class with tears streaming down her face. Me, myself was beyond shocked and angry. I stood up from my desk since I can see no one else was gonna follow after her, and walked right out of class. No one ever deserves to go through that. She honestly seemed so healthy you wouldn't even think she did drugs or an addict for that matter. But now I can see it, the hurt and pain in her eyes. The broken lost soul she truly is. What kind of a brother does that to his own sister.. It's sick and I had to resist the urge to beat his ass in front of everyone.

Now you may be wondering. 'Why do you care?' 'You don't even know her' and blah blah blah. Well I'm not some arrogant jerk like most guys now and days. I don't play with girls or any of that shit. To me, all of that just never made sense to me. Anyways I've been searching for about half n hour and still no sign of her. I really hope she was okay. I stood on the sidewalk thinking about where to go to next...

***Almost 2 hours later***

Almost two hours have passed and I still haven't found Alex. I sighed and just as I was about to walk home I spotted a figure on the ground. I didn't think anything of it and walked towards the unconscious body, that was laying against a tree. As I got closer the face become more noticeable and stopped in my tracks. "Snow White" I whispered. I got down on my knees and examined her. She had bloody knuckles which I'm guessing from the blood on the tree she punched the tree. Now the thing that caught be completely off guard but shouldn't have was the two pill bottles opened next to her unmoved body. I quickly got out my phone and dialed 911. I carried her to the sidewalk where the ambulance could see us.

Soon enough the ambulance had arrived and I didn't want to leave her alone so I went inside and sat next to her as the paramedics did what they do best.

After about 10 minutes we were rushed inside the hospital where I had to sit and wait. I kept glancing at the clock when the doors opened and a couple came rushing in asking about Alex. I'm guessing they were her foster parents. "Um excuse me?" I said as they tuned around looking confused. "Your Alexandra's foster parents?" I asked and they nodded unsurely. "Right, I'. Sebastian. I found her unconscious will pill bottles next to her." I stated with my hands in my pockets. "I'm also in some of her classes"  They both sighed and thanked me for what I did for her and we sat down watching the clock tick back n forth.

An hour had passed and a older looking male doctor came out. "Alexandra Forest?" By now Spencer and Jennifer, Sofia, Officer Dawn, and I stood. Yes After about half n hour the Reeds called them and I also learned there names but that's not the point. "How is she?" Dawn was the first to ask.

"She'll be fine thanks to this young man. If he didn't get to her on time she could've overdosed. The type of drug she used is still unknown however, she is awake." After that the doctor had left and everyone stared at me. "What?"

"We would like you to go see her first" Jennifer stated simply. "Are you sure?" They both nodded and I shrugged. I walked down the hall to her room. I knocked softly before entering. She was sitting at the edge of the bed looking out the window. "Hey there, Snow White" She looked over at me but didn't reply and kept staring out the window. I sighed and asked "Are you okay?" Still no response. "Listen-"

"No, you listen. Why did you do that?" Woah.. "What're you talking about?"  All she did was huffed and continue "You might think you saved me, but I didn't want to be saved!" I was kinda shocked by her sudden out burst and I stayed silent.

"Get out.. and don't come back.." She breathed out in a whisper and continued looking out the window. I kept staring at her before finally coming back into reality and said one last thing before I left. "We all have secrets Snow White.. Even me. I saved you because I care and I already lose one person from an overdose it doesn't need to be two." With that I left the room and said goodbye to everyone else and went home.

As soon as I entered the dark house I walked down the hall to check on my mother. "Mom? You okay?" No answer. "Mo-" "Who's there"

"Mom, It's Sebastian. Your only son"

"Get away. I don't have any children" I sighed as my mentally ill mother backed into a corner. I went towards her figure and held her there for a couple of minutes. "S-Sebastian?" her voice was soft and delicate. "Yes mom?" "I'm sorry, love" I shook my head and helped her into bed. Doing this was normal. After my father left for another woman my mom went ill. Her doctor said we couldn't do anything besides keep an eye on her. Every morning a nurse picks her up and takes her to a treatment center while I'm at school and then she drops her off late. Before my father left he did the decency of paying bills years ahead of time, since the woman he left with was rich and all the bull. Once I knew she was asleep I ate, took a shower and went to sleep thinking about today's events and the incident in school. This entire situation was a disaster. This just reminds me of Danielle's death. Danielle is my older sister who had over dosed. She was only two years older than me. When she died is was around the time our father left and mother became ill. Sometimes I wish I could talk to her again and fully understand why she did what she did. Drowned in my thoughts I finally fell asleep.

***Nathan's POV***

I couldn't believe my own eyes. It was actually Alexandra. It's been ten years since I last seen her. She's grown up a lot. After she ran out and the other boy followed I called in and said I had an emergency. I left the school and went straight to my apartment. After about 5 years I decided to get sober and finish school. I going to college to get my master and degree in English literature. Kinda weird that I was a substitute for an art class.  My thoughts were all over the place as  tried to comprehend what was gonna happen, I was gonna be in that class all week. I rubbed my temples trying to figure out what I was gonna do or more importantly what she was gonna do when she back in class.


Okayyy, yes this chapter is wayyy over due. I'm very sorry about that but I had some emergencies these last two weeks. That's why I'm updating today tomorrow and Sunday. I know this chapter isn't all that but thank you guys.

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Published September 16, 2016

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