Chapter XII

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Sunday. April 2, 2017
Sebastian's POV

It's been almost two months since Alex went missing. Every night since I found out, the thought of maybe if I would've stayed with her she would still be here. Safe. I hoped she was okay and alive. The police have been looking but nothing has come up. Her foster parents, Sofia, even the guys and I were looking. She meant a lot to all of us. Sofia and I have spent a lot of time in the Reeds home. Just sitting in her room, watching time go by, hoping she would walk through the door unharmed and alive.

"Do you... Do you think she'd hate us for letting this happen?" Sofia asked. I had to think about it. "I don't really know.. I know she could never hate you, you're like a sister to her. Me on the other hand, well that's different." I tilted my head back and we both sat in silence. When it started getting dark I decided to head home, walking seemed like the best option. I need to clear my head.

******Alex's POV******
I heard rustling and foot steps from upstairs. My body was dirty and I could barley stand. And these past week or so I haven't been feeling the best. I kept throwing up and I'm pretty sure I had a fever.  My face and body were bruised and bloody. I knew I was on the verge of death. I was hoping it would come soon. Sitting on the corner with my wrist in hand cuffs along with my ankles I heard the door creak open and soft foot steps come down. And this is how I die. I close my eyes waiting.

"Alex," It wasn't Riley nor Jasper. I opened my eyes to see Kara. She's one of the servants here. She's always been so kind to me. "What are you doing here, you could get killed." My voice raspy and low. "It's not me you should be worried about. I over heard Riley and Jasper talking.. They're going to kill you, Alex." I didn't say anything. She took a key for her coat pocket and undid the cuffs. She helped me up and put one of my arms around her neck. I couldn't feel most my body but I did my best to stand so we wouldn't fall over. "H..H-How are we getting out of here..?" I asked, even if it hurt my voice. "Shh.." She put her ear against the door and looked at me. She opened the door, just a crack. "It's clear. We have to be quick." She helped me down the hall and down the stairs. I don't know how much time has passed. Maybe a month or two may even a year. Time goes on slow when your trapped. Everything burns together. Kara peered around the corner and turned her head towards me. "This is as far as I can go. The door is unlocked and all the guards are inside. Rotating shifts. You have about five minutes. Please be safe and careful." I took a deep breath and stepped in front of her. My body was aching but if this is my only chance, so be it. I limped and held my breathe for the pain. As soon as I got to the wall I clung on to it as if my life depended on it. Taking slow, deep breaths I opened the door carefully making sure no one was around. And for a minute I seen my life change. I quickly stepped as fast I could, biting my lip to the point where it started to bleed.

I did it..

I made it out the house and past the gate as soon as the guards came out I ducked and slowly made my way past. Once I was out of sight I looked at the night sky I didn't notice before. I smiled as tears came down my face. I held onto a fence as I made my way back home. I wasn't going to stop until I got there.

As minutes go by, I didn't know how long I'd been walking for. Maybe an hour, I don't know. When I began to lose hope I'd seen the houses and a tall figure walking. I clenched my stomach as I whispered, "Help.. please." I started seeing black dots and my vision became a blur. The last thing I saw was the figure whip around. I heard my name in a faint voice. I fell to the ground with weak knees. I smiled as I felt death cling onto my soul and heart.
So this is what death feels like.. I would've never thought so. And that's the last thing I remember.

A/N: extremely short chapter, I know. But I would've continued but decided against it. The next chapter should be up by next Sunday. I'm not very proud of this chapter but I hope you enjoy. Until next time lovelies, Peace ✌️

Published April 2, 2017

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