Chapter II

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Sophia on the side

Song: Strange Love


***Alexandra's POV***

   Once lunch came around I decided to skip the rest of the day. I never liked being in school, but who did? I was about to round a corner when suddenly something bumped into me and made me fall on the ground. "What the fuck.." I mumbled barely audible.

"Need some help there?" A male voice asked and I looked up to see the guy from my first hour standing with some other dude. I scoffed "Fuck off, asshole" I didn't mean to be so harsh but I'm in a pissy mood and just want everyone to leave me alone. "Feisty, I like that" I rolled my eyes at his comment as I stood up and shoved past the two idiotic hormonal teenage boys and placed my glasses back on. I began my journey again to the parking lot and sat in the drivers seat and closed my eyes, taking in deep breaths.

I tossed whatever tabs I had left away, since they weren't really having an affect on me anymore. And I definitely couldn't go back to Riley since he pretty much hates my guts and wants to kill me. I only knew one other person who could help me.


I pulled up in front of a small building. I got out and walked up to the front entrance. "ID" Yup, I was at a bar. I took out my fake ID and walked inside after he scanned the fake card. I sat on a bar stool and looked over at Benny. He was the bartender. "What're you doing here, little A?" I rolled my eyes at his stupid nickname for me, "Well Dawn placed me into a home and is making me go to school. Riley hates me and the tabs aren't working on me anymore" Bens knew pretty much everything about me. Helped me out a lot before Riley found me. He sighed "Who are your new foster family?" I placed my head down and mumbled "The Reeds"

"No way.. Spencer and Jennifer Reed?" I looked back up at him and nodded slightly. "Why, what's up?" I asked a bit curious. "Their daughter was my girlfriend." I was kinda shocked. He never mentioned any type of girlfriend. "Woah, what really?!" I honestly couldn't even believe this. "What happened to her?" A flash of pain and hurt went through his eyes.

"Jasmine.. That was her name" pause .. "We dated all through high school and planed to move out and go to college together. She was my everything. After high school just before I met you, she was a victim of a hit n run" You could see he was on the verge of crying. I was about to tell him, that he didn't have to tell me but like always he read my mind and I stood quiet "She was shot twice, once in her shoulder and second in the chest." Silent tears rolled down his cheek "I went maybe 3 times a week to her house just to see how her parents were doing. They blamed themselves constantly and this was 5 years ago, Alex." I was left speechless, I felt extremely depressed and guilty right now.

"A couple of weeks ago I visited them again after a year of not seeing them. They were talking about adopting another daughter and now that must be you"

"Benny, I'm sorry.. I didn't know about any of that." I honestly felt really bad.. "It's okay, A. Just promise me one thing, please" Please don't say it... "Promise me that you'll give them a try, they're good people" And he said it  "I can't promise but I can promise to try" I sigh, the things I do for him, I swear. "Thank you, little A." He gives me a lopsided grin as I chuckle.

"Soooo no Jack Daniels?" Giving him a wide smile. He chuckles and placed a shot class and pours in my beautiful babe. Ahh he still comes through! I smile happily and take that shot and savor it since I know it's gonna be my last for a while. "Alright, Bens. I guess I'll see you sometime around" I hop off the bar stool and exit the building. Since I promised Benny I would try to give them a shot I sent a text to Spencer saying I would be home soon.

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