chapter 11

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"Remind me why we took this path again?" I asked, ducking under a huge leaf.

"Because now we know the red eyes are out at night now and we need to take a unknown path. We wouldn't want it to end up like last time, would we?" Even though king didn't say blitz' name, I knew the jab was meant for him.

"Are you scared?" Almonzo asked.

"Uh no!" I said, but my voice betrayed me. Blitz came up behind me and grabbed my hand. "Don't worry princess, I'm here" he said.

King looked over at blitz and I and our hands then huffed and jogged ahead to where Zeke and Almonzo were.

"What's got his panties in a twist?" Blitz smirked, still holding my hand. The feeling sent a jolt through my body, butterflies I guess they called them. I tried distract myself from the fact that my hand was sweating right next to blitz'.

We had gone from the suite that morning and had headed to the glade woods where we were currently walking through. The bright moon hung overhead as we walked through the grass and leaves. Overgrown plants and tall grass blocked our way, often making us push it away. We had walked all day and I was beginning to wonder if we would get there soon.

I grunted and I pushed away a leaf that thwacked into my flustered face.

"Ok. Random question time." Blitz said. "What's your...last name."

"Uh.. Wheeler?" He laughed, you sound so sure there princess."

"And yours?" I smiled.

"Duke." He answered.

"Hmm... blitz duke. Just out of curiosity, who are you parents?"

He waved a finger disapprovingly. "Its not you turn princess. What is you favourite colour?"

" Purple. Parents?" I smiled. He sighed and led me through the thick "path" that wasn't much of one. "David and angel Duke. They speed for magicians, you know, gathering things they needed and such but weren't actually magicians their selves."
I was about to ask who they worked for when Kingston whisper-yelled "here! We're here!"

I jogged up and ducked and dodged plants until I came to a large grey building, shaded by trees.

"When we get in there, we will need to find disguises. We have a long night ahead."


"Does this make my nose look fat?" Blitz turned in the mirror, taking in the all black jumpsuit he wore.

"Yes" I replied, not looking up from where I was buckling my boots. He harrumphed and adjusted his suit.

Apparently Sorian identified his minions by these tacky grey jumpsuits, but blitz, insisted he wore black. Don't ask me how he his hands on a black suit.

"Just hurry, we don't have all night!" King said impatiently as he gathered his backpack.

Zeke and Almonzo came from the other room "its clear! Hurry though, I don't know when we'll get another chance!" We all hurried across the halls and hid in the shadows just as I heard footsteps. I swung my head and looked panicked at king.

"I heard it too. Just stay still!" He whispered to all of us. We all pressed our bodies as close as we could to the wall and held our breath. My heart started beating wildly and I gulped.

Two men in the same grey jumpsuits as us passed. I sighed in relief and shifted my position but my boot squeaked against the floor. Quite loudly I might add. One of the men swiveled around and stared intently in our direction. I closed my eyes and swallowed, hoping he didn't notice the five strange people lurking in the corner. After what seemed like hours, the other man caller to the first.

" There's nothing there, David. Your seeing things again!"

David shook his head. "Coulda sworn I head somthin!"he sighed and left with the first guy.

I blew out a breath and looked both ways. "I think we're good." I whispered. King moved ahead and checked to make sure. He looked both ways and then, still looking, he motioned us forward. "Let's go."

I scurried after them, carful not to let my shoes squeak this time. After lots of ducking and hiding we came across a hidden room. Kingston ushered us inside, not fully relaxing until we were in and hr had locked the door.

He sat down in a spin nu chair and looked at us. "Ok, here's the plan. We have a window of maybe 12 hours tonight to find the kodex. I didn't tell you, cause you would worry but..." he hesitated and rushed his words "butwheniwasonwatchoneofsoriansminionsstolethekodexandnowicantfinditandpleasedontbemad."

Almonzo stopped spinning in his chair and looked at king as if he ate a umbrella. "Care to say that again?"

"Not really." He said with a sheepish smile. I stared long and hard at him, and he backed away "fine, fine. Ok, while I was on watch one of Sorians minions came and stole the kodex and I don't know where it is. All I know is that its in this lair."

We stared at him.

"You... let the kodex get stolen?" zeke whispered.

"Not really leeeet..." he trailed off. "Please don't be mad?" He said it as more of a question than a request.

I sighed "we're not mad. So its in this... what exactly is this place?"

"They call it 'deturium' witch I don't get and is personally the stupidest name I've ever heard. And yes, its in the deturium somewhere. I just don't know where."

"Ok... so if this is a big place maybe we should split up. I mean we have higher chances of covering more ground and finding the kodex" Zeke piped up.

"True.." Kingston mused.

"Ok, I volunteer to split with Carmen and you, Zeke and Almonzo can go...wherever." blitz said.

"Excuse me?" King said with a irritated look on his face. "I'm in charge here and I think that Carmen and I should go together and you guys go together."

"Hey! Who said you in charge? Your not the only one who knows magic!"

"I'm the one who sensed the twins magic connection and was teaching them. We picked you up by accident." Kingston jabbed.

"Oh, and you think Carmen just went with you willingly? I bet if we asked them they would love to go back to their normal lives!"

"Magic is normal!"

We all stared at Kingston. "Magic is not normal. Dude" Almonzo said.

"Well... still! It was normal until stupid humans watered it down!"

"Magic isn't apple juice!" Blitz went back to bickering.

"I'm going with Carmen and that's it!"

"You can't make her! Maybe, just maybe she likes me and wants to be with me!"

I step in between them and put a hand on both of their chests. "Boys boys, I know I'm gorgeous and amazing and stunning," I took a breath "but grow up and play rock paper scissors already! Best out of three"

They  went against each other

King: rock

Blitz: paper
King: scissors

Blitz: paper
King: rock

Blitz: scissors

"Yes!!!" He said triumphantly pumping his fist into the air.

Blitz looked at me with fake sympathy and put a hand on my shoulder. "I am so sorry"

I push away his arm playfully "didn't know I was so popular!"

You aren't sis. Their just desperate and your their only option." Zeke smirked.

"Oh brother dear, you don't know how blind you are! I'm so sorry." I retorted.

"Ok. Now I'll teach you how to use a wand." Kingston said.

I froze. Somebody was bound to get hurt.

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