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"Are we there yet?" I groaned. I was tired of lugging a heavy backpack all over America.

"Almost." Kingston replied patiently.

We were walking through a thickly wooded area with lots of plants covering the dirt path. I was pretty sure I had gotten poison ivy back where we saw that snake and it was starting to bother me. We had been walking since 5:00 this morning and now, I was guessing it was 9. At this point I was dragging the bag on the ground, getting it cover with mud but I didn't care. I just wanted a shower, some food and a nap. If this guy was a magician, couldn't he just summon a elephant or... a Toyota to take us to where we were supposed to be? Zeke wasn't tired at all, or at least he wasn't letting on how tired he really was. He shouldered his bag eagerly and looked around at the beautiful plants and flowers.

"Are we there yet?" I asked once again.

"We are very close Carmen." He said calmly "just three more miles"

"Three!?" We've walked so much I was sure I had lost half my body weight. A half hour later we arrived at a big house in the middle of the woods. I had finally wore down Kingston's patient's and I could tell he just wanted to sleep. The house was probably three stories with big gray stone walls and lush tropical plants out side, framing the big front porch.

"Wow." I breathed. A short burly man came out of the house with his arms open in greeting. He had a thick red-brown beard that glinted in the sunlight and laughing blue eyes.

"Kingston! Its been to long! How are you? On another mission? Who are your friends?" He scooped all three of us in in arms and hugged us. "Come in! Its to hot out here and I made cookies!"

He led us into the house and I noticed that despite the size there wasn't very much furniture. We arrived in a large kitchen and he gesture to a table.

"Sit down, sit down, you must be tired!" He hurried over and pulled the chair out for me.

"Thank you! And that is exactly what I told Kingston," I said shooting him a pointed look " I'm very tired!"

He chuckled and as he fixed up plates of sweets I looked around the well kept space. He had onions and spices hanging in the window, drying. Jars and jars of preservatives lined the shelves and beside that were a couple of pots of soup. I thought it funny that such a tough, big man would have a passion for cooking.

"So... you like to cook?" I ventured.

He handed me a plate of three big iced cookies "I do! How did you know?"

I looked around "just a hunch" I muttered and Kingston smiled and shook his head.

"So king, introduce me to you friends!" He said cheerfully, sitting down at the round oak table. I wondered if this man was ever in a bad mood.

"Well, this is Zeke and Carmen. They're new magicians. And guys, this is Almonzo. My friend and fellow alchemist.*"

" alchemist. No wonder you like cooking." I mused.

"I like this girl. You did good, picking a girlfriend, king." He smiled warmly at me.

I was caught off guard. Girlfriend? "Oh no, I'm not his-" I said as Kingston said "no she's not my-"

"Girlfriend" we finished at the same time. Zeke tried to keep his mouth shut but a bubble of laughter escaped and soon he was rolling on the ground laughing his head off and Almonzo was laughing also. Kingston blushed and looked anywhere but me. I buried my head in the sleeves of my jacket and groaned.

"No no no no no!" I muttered.

"Its ok Carmen! We know its hard to confess a relationship at first. We're here for you!" Zeke patted my shoulder in fake sympathy and Almonzo burst out laughing again. Kingston stood up and put his hands on the table.

"Dude!" He cried.  I shoved Zeke's head and he tumbled to the ground laughing.

"I've been wanting to do that to him! Thanks" Kingston looked at me with a grateful expression and I blushed. Even under his gaze I felt insecure now. Thanks Almonzo!


"You three have to share a room." Almonzo stated.

"What? You mean in this big house, you don't have even one guest room?" I stared at him.

He scratched the back of his neck "I'm 'fraid I don't" he said sheepishly. He handed me a XXL t-shirt and nodded to the living room. "You can sleep there"

I sneaked a look at the boys. King had his face set in a frown and Zeke just shrugged and headed towards the room.

I flung my head back and groaned. I walked towards the bathroom and slipped into the huge shirt that read 'magic is the way!' I smirked, who came up with that tacky phrase? My dad?

I crawled into the makeshift bed and tried to slip into a blissful sleep. Thankfully the boys had their own blanket covered pillows across the room.

I was almost asleep when I noticed red eyes peering through the huge bay window. It gave me déjà vu and strangely it didn't surprise me. But I knew what it meant. It meant they knew where we were, and they had spies.

I hurried over and shook Kingston's arm. He grunted and shook me away. I hissed his name and he muttered a few not-so-nice words in my direction.

"May you step on. A Lego" I cursed him.

he finally sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Whaaat?" He groaned.

"Red eyes" I said simply. He understood and instantly his attention shot to the window.

"We have to move!" He whispered and jogged down the hallway to where Almonzo room was. I sighed and moved to wake Zeke. I could only guess that I wouldn't be getting any sleep anytime soon.


* if you don't know what a alchemist is, I'll explain.  ↓
Long ago like when there were kings and castles and people ate dodo birds for Thanksgiving, people would try to mix different metals and such and try to make gold. Of course it didn't work, considering gold is a basic element but these people were called alchemists. In this book, Almonzo is a alchemist who makes potions and new spells by mixing old spells and potions. And there you go,


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