chapter 18

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"So, Aisling have you ever been in a war?" Zeke asked with his mouth full.

"Oh yea, but it wasn't one you've heard about. It was the battle of redsyra. Great fun!" She replied.

"Have you met crisix?" King asked. I didn't know who crisix was but apparently Aisling had met quite a few people.

"Met him. Killed him. Got the T-shirt." She shrugged, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"And you captured the Sphinx I've heard." Almonzo said.

"Oh yes. Its actually not as hard as people think it is. I let it go after I caught her. It was for sport and her ugliness jarred me for life." She said.

"What does she look like?" I asked. Aisling thought. "Well, she has the body of a lion, the wings of an eagle, and the head of a beautiful lady. But never get near one because the Sphinx feasts off memories."

" Wow." Blitz said. "Sounds like fun."

Aisling smiled. "Well I have to do something to keep these old bones moving!" She squinted at Kingston. "Why are you really here?"

"I, well... here's the thing... um" king stuttered. Blitz leaned back in the chair and smirked. "Oh, king just lost the kodex and he's going to die in like, two weeks. No biggie."

Aisling stood up. "You what!? That's your life! You lost your life!"

"He also lost his mind." Blitz laughed and I glared at him. Aisling tried to calm herself. She lowered her voice and sat down but her words still had a edge to them. "Do you have any clue where it might be?" She asked evenly.

King nodded. "Sorian stole it and... well its in his lair, palace, mansion thing."

"The deturium..." Aisling muttered.

Just then there was a sound at the door. I had just looked over when it flew open, splinters flying everywhere. three red eyes and four guys in grey suits sauntered in.

"You just aren't very good at hiding, are you?" Kahn strode in at the head of the group.

Knifes came out of nowhere and placed themselves in Aisling hands. "I'm in a very bad mood." She growled. Without turning to us she said calmly "go! I'll catch up."

I wanted to protest but Kingston shooed us out the back door. "Aisling is in there!" I shrieked. The red eyes lunged at her and dog piled her, but she stuck a knife through the firsts chest then preformed some kind of karate move on the other two. She jumped up high and swung around in midair, elbowing the red eyes in the jaws. I winced but the ugly creatures got up to fight her again. Aisling had turned to take care of the men when the red eye was almost on top of her. I panicked and tried to yell but my voice caught in my throat. I desperately looked around but the guys were too far ahead. I knew what I had to do.

I pulled out the wand king had given me and remembered a spell he had taught us. I aimed the wand squarely at the monsters head and shouted the spell.

"HI-NIEMS!" the monster dropped to the floor and started writhing in pain. I looked to Aisling and realized she had taken care of the other guys. She looked at me, her blue eyes shining with mischief and said, "I'm in a much better mood now!" Then she sprinted to catch up.

"I saw what you did back there. I'm surprised!" She said.

Her voice echoed in my ear and my head hurt at the sound.

"Yea" I replied. My knees felt weak and I collapsed. "Ow" I whispered from the pavement.

Aisling picked me up with ease. "You really shouldn't use magic when you were just awakened though. Its too soon, you have to sleep it off." Her Irish voice explained.

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