chapter 14

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Carmen's POV

"M-my power?" I stutter. How could I have a power? I thought it was all wands and stuff!

"Your power. Telekinesis" he says, nodding. "You can move stuff by will. With your mind." He sits there, watching as I walk around the room and groan. "Arrgg! I don't like this! I don't want to be a magician, I didn't sign up to wave a wand! And I never never asked to leave my family." I plopped down and crossed my arms like a six year old. Then I slowly raised my head and a smile dawned my face.

"I can fly" I whispered. "I can frickin' fly!" I said amazed. I jumped up with realization "I can FLY!"

I grabbed kings face and forced him to look at me. "I can fly." I whispered. "I can fly?"

He smiled in amusement. "Yea. You can fly." I let my face go neutral and said "coolio" then walked out of the room with king shaking his head.

The thought of being able to move things with a swoosh of a finger was to much for the moment so I push it into the corner of my brain with the sign that says "I'll deal with you later". I take the time to ask a question that had been boiling in the back of my mind.

"How old is the kodex, I mean, what all is in it that makes it so important?"

"10000 years ago the kodex had been written. The world was a very  different place back then. The stories have been twisted but we have scraps of the truth from mythology. They possessed the power of flight. They had vessels that could cross the sea and had even perfected what we would call cloning. In other words, they had access to science that was so advanced we would call it magic. All this was written by the greatest magicians. And by some fat chance the book ended up in my grasp." He took in a big breath of air.

"Woah. Deep." I muttered shaking my head. It was all to much to take in.

King looked at me. "And before you say that's crazy, think about it. The human race has come so far in the last ten years. If someone had told your parents that in twenty years they would be able to carry their whole music library in their pockets they would have deemed you as crazy, dismissed it as impossible."

I thought about his words and nodded. It was true.

I sighed. "So... what's the next part of your big plan?" He fiddled with the buckle on his pockets while he thought

"If you found you base power, that means Zeke will soon find his..." he thought aloud "we will need to find one of the elder race to awaken the other powers... we need to talk to them. Like right now." He turned on his heal and started in the other direction.

"King!" I say exasperated then, with a long sigh I turn to follow the boy who sucked me into this thing they call magic.


King stops and pulls me into a locker room. We run to the other end of the room and hide between the lockers.

I'm about to ask what he's going but he puts his fingers to his temples and faintly starts to glow. A yellow light pulses around his body, solidified light rushing and forming around his hands and head. This gives on for a while until he abruptly drops his hands and turns to face me.

Worry lines his eyes. "They're in trouble. In the dungeon."


"We are here to escort the prisoners to the gallows." King says in a monotone.

The gray clad office sleepily moves to the side and I'm left marveling at how dumb these people are as we walk past.

I look around the dim musty room, searching for my twin. Worry courses through me as I walk past cells and cells of drowsy beaten people, scrounging for food. But no Zeke. Men and women have dirt encrusted in their hair, dirt up their fingernails. They have smears on their faces from I don't want to know what. Was this how my friends were being treated? Once we destroyed Sorian I would make sure these people had a better life than this. I passed a cell where a women that was probably younger than she looked held two small children, victims of malnourishment. Holding back the tears that came I sorrowfully moved on.

A movement caught my eye and I swiveled my attention towards the corner.

In a dark space that smelled of rotten eggs and decaying maggots, Zeke, Almonzo, and blitz had their feet chained to the floor and their hands chained to the wall.

Blitz looked bored, Almonzo hung his head like he was sleeping and Zeke, well Zeke saw me. His eyes widened and a smile dawned his lips.

Subtlety jerking my head toward the following guard I widened my eyes hoping he'd get the message.

I saw the understanding in his eyes and suddenly all traces of a smile dropped from his face.

"These are the ones" I said with fake disgust, pointing towards the corner my friends occupied. The guard shuffled foreword, wincing at the disturbing smells of the never cleaned cells. He unlocked the chains and my fellow magicians followed us to freedom

On our way out I kept my eyes to the floor. Not wanting to see the thin haunting faces.

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