Chapter 2

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Breakfast at my house is hectic. Maybe its cause I have seven people running around asking where the syrup is or maybe its cause I'm just a hormonal teenager and over react to situations, but I prefer to go with the first option.

"Why can't I find the other plates?" My twin, Zeke asked.

"Their in the dishwasher, they just got Finished." I answered.

April tugged on my skirt. "Carmel, where is the syrup?" April is my 3 year old step sister and she loves to call me Carmel instead of Carmen. It drives me nuts.

"Where are my glasses!?" My dad called.

"On your head!" I called back.

"I can't eat breakfast this morning! I have to fix my mascara or else Dylan will break up with me!" Amber grabbed her hair in frustration.

I handed her a plate of already cut waffles. "Eat." I said and she smiled.  Even though she's older, she knows she needs me.

"Carmel! Where's the syrup?" April asked again.

"I don't" I began, but then I noticed Keaton about to walk into a wall because he was looking at his iPhone.

"Wall!" I yelled. Keaton turned at the last second and plopped down in his seat.

"Camel! I need syrup!"

I grabbed the syrup off the counter and shoved it into April's chubby hands.

Before I could go crazy I ran to the bathroom and locked the door. I pushed myself on top of the counter and leaned my head on the wall.

Maybe I should explain my family.

My dad is from the red bird story. He is always there when you need him most. He holds this family together. He met my mom, when they were at collage. They were both learning to be scientists. They eventually dated and got married. And that's where Keaton came from.

Keaton is 17. He's from the cabbage patch. He can be very stubborn and can get mad at the most ridiculous things, but when you need a hug, he'll give it to you. No matter what. He doesn't have a girlfriend and doesn't ever plan to get one. Although he has a adoring fan club. He is kinda handsome I guess, he has shaggy blond hair that falls into his eyes a lot and makes you want to just cut his bangs off. He has piercing blue eyes and a ski jump nose. He tall but not lanky and he does go to the gym if you know what I mean *wink wink*

Next was Amber. She's 15 and from the red bird story, like dad. She has moms pretty brown-suger hair that curls just the right way. She has pale skin but it looks good on her. She is boy crazy and, like Keaton, has a long line of admirers. You can never tell what mood she's in though. Sometimes she'll be as sweet as she can and sometimes she makes you want to rip your hair from the roots.

Then me and Zeke came along. Zeke has the same hair as mom and amber. Its really as long as his shoulder, but the way it curls it only comes a little past his ear. He has freckles like dad and has recently had his long awaited growth spurt, while I'm as short as ever. He is from the great dog story like me and mom. He is also a artist, though he does sculping while I sketch and paint. He and I are very close. We consider each other best friends, although he does get on my nerves.

I'm a 13 year old, hormone time bomb as amber once put it (but I think she's exaggerating!) As I said before I am from the great dog and love to sketch and paint. I have sandy blond hair that I usually pull into a fishtail braid and brown eyes. I guess I'd be pretty to other people but to myself...well I don't look too hot. I love my huge family and my cat, two goldfish, and April's Guinea pig.

Then was Taylor. Taylor is also from the great dog, though she is not a artist. She wants to be a actress and could with the imagination she has. She is ten and has chocolate brown eyes and moms brown hair. She has a spray of freckles across her nose, and a spunky personality. She hates boys with a passion and has been known to punch them if they get on her last nerve, while dad scolds, the rest of us secretly hi-five her. We all love her and adore her. My mom died giving birth to Taylor and though she doesn't remember mom, she carries around the guilt. We all tell her it wasn't her fault and mom was just sick but at night I always get out my mothers picture, and most of the time, I still cry.

When my mom died, my dad spent a lot of time sighing and looking out windows. But then he met Lisa on a trip and they got married. Lisa has a voice like honey and I think that no matter how long we live in Utah, Lisa would still sound like the south. Lisa is from the Adam and eve story. She opened her eyes and ears and notices every detail of every thing.  Dad and Lisa had April and now she seven and a half months pregnant. Again.

April is three. She has bottle blond hair like Lisa and dads nose and mouth. She's from the Adam and eve story. She is loud and rambunctious when she's around us, but when she's around others... that's a whole different story. She stared at her feet like she's talking to them and pretends like she can't talk. Well that's Bologna.

So yea that's my family.

After I thought breakfast was over I unlocked the door and walked downstairs. I was relived to find that only Keaton was at the table, drinking his coffee.

"Where did you go off to?" He asked as I grabbed a plate of pancakes and bacon.

"The... bathroom." I hedged.

"Eat to many burritos last night?" He asked knowingly.

"No! I was trying to get away from you guys!)" I exclaimed.

"Mmmhhhm" he said turning his attention back to his phone.

"I just couldn't stand the chaos down here." I said as I chowed down on eggs

"I mean, our family's growing and everyone's needing something and I can't take it sometimes, ya know?" I continued. I paused, realizing he wasn't listening.

I slipped my plate into the soapy water and started to leave. When I passed Keaton he ruffled my hair.

"Keep at it kiddo." He said " now get out. I have to make a important phone call."

Well. If he was going to be like that, he could just walk himself right into the Pacific ocean!

I have him a hug around the neck and walked out.

I was walking up the stairs when Amber came chasing after me.

"Carmen" she caught up with me, mid step.

I paused and turned to look at her. She had a worried expression on her face. "What?" I asked alarmed.

" I'm so sorry Carmen... she-I.. we don't know if.. just come with me" she reached over, grabbed my hand and practically pulled me downstairs.

"Amber! What is it? What's going- oh!" I nearly banged into a wall as she continued to drag me out of the house.

She took me through the backyard. I could see where Lisa, Taylor and Zeke were huddled around something I couldn't make out. Suddenly I got a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. Katniss. Katniss was my cat. She was as sweet as can be but could also be feisty. I had found her a stray when we went to the beach. Hungry, dangerously skinny, and in great need of a bath. We went to the vet and adopted her. I had raised her since she was a kitten and she couldn't be dead! She was my sane, my comfort. I know she's just a cat, and to any person this feeling would sound absolutely ridiculous, but.. yea. That how I feel.

I twisted out of ambers arms and made a mad dash to Katniss. As I approached I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard her meowing. Even then the sounds sounded painful.

I ran up and pushed my way beside Zeke. I knelt down, not caring about the grass stain I was probably getting on my jeans and stroked Katniss' soft head.

I could tell she was hurting and it killed me that I couldn't do anything about it. I peered up at Lisa and asked "what happened?"

The neighbors dog somehow got through the fence and started at her. She was a fast one but Skyler was faster. He only managed to get her paw. I think she'll be okay sweetie."

I glanced down at the bloody wound I didn't notice before.

"Oh Katniss!" I choked out.

We brought her inside as gently as we could. Lisa grabbed her keys and purse and called "let's go!" To me. Zeke wanted to come along too. I think he knew how upset I was.


I lay Katniss on the blanket I set out on my bed. He paw was bandaged and she had talked her pain medication and was sleeping soundly.

I was just glad she was ok.

I wonder if pets have stories.

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