chapter 8

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Almonzo shoved a couple of bulging bags in our direction. "Here. You'll need these."


Zeke paused and held up a hand. "Do you hear that?" He whispered.  We all strained our ears, trying to hear the noise. Banging pots and crashing jars could be heard from the kitchen. My heart sped up and I braced myself against the wall.

"Move! Go to the farthest lab!" Almonzo hissed as quietly as he could, while getting the point across. We all shuffled quickly, following Kingston who seemed to know where he was going. We reached a staircase and he led us up. When we got to the highest point in the house, we found a hallway. King led us down to a door and pulled it open. We all shuffled inside and he locked the door.

I peered out a window to see that we were super high of the ground. "Great. We're basically trapped here until the red eyes find us and claw us till we're human confetti then eat our souls!" I fell to the floor dramatically.

Kingston did his jazz hands and said in a announcers voice "ladies and gentleman, the optimistic quote of the day!"

Zeke rolled his eyes "but for real. We're stuck!"

"Almonzo, you'll need to come with us. The red eyes will find us and their not far off." Kingston said, ignoring Zeke.

He nodded solemnly, then started dumping bottles of thick liquids and colorful waters into a bag. For the first time I noticed the room was covered in beakers and test bottles, dusty ancient looking books and stained glass windows. From the look on his face, Zeke had also just noticed.

I could now hear the red eyes growing closer and I had no desire to be in the same room as one. Though they had never hurt me before, I knew that if I were cornered by one, they wouldn't be offering me cupcakes. "So how are we going to get down from here? I think they know where we are!" I asked again. Almonzo was still dumping bottles into the bag and I wondered how they weren't breaking.

"You'll see." King said, absently as he searched bookshelf after bookshelf. It was just starting to get light and I was growing increasingly worried about how we were gonna get down from here once we were officially trapped. Despite my cheery personality ( not.) I was not in the mood to play hide and seek with monsters. Suddenly out of no where I heard something clawing at the big wooden door. It sounded desperate. I let out a startled "oh!" And king and Almonzo moved quicker in getting what they needed. Zeke hurried to get the bags that wee ready and put them on his strong shoulders. I felt useless at the moment so I causally dusted off the table.

"Hurry! Their almost in!" The words had just left King's mouth when wood chips flew and a hole was made by the red eyes claws. I gasped in Kingston moved protectively in from of me. "The spell!" King shrieked. Almonzo moved to the big window and started muttering a string of words that I couldn't make out.

The door flew open and hit the wall with the impact it made. The demon sidled in and growled "well, we finally got the all mighty magicians didn't we? Its been awhile king." Two of its buddies creeped in behind it and much to my dismay I let out a whimper.

Kingston glanced subtlety in the direction of Almonzo and stepped forward, still guarding me. "What does Sorian want, Kahn?" He asked.

The beast who was called Kahn and I presumed the leader, smirked. "Why, the book of course!" He said as if it were obvious

Kingston visibly paled. "What book?" He cleared his throat although I could tell he knew what book.

Kahn snarled, now more angry than amused "you know what book. Don't play dumb with me Kingston O'Malley! You know what Sorian wants and I know you have it! You can't keep us from that spell. No matter how hard you try, we will win." He dropped his voice to a whisper "and if you even try to hide it, you and all the ones you love will suffer from you mistake." He glanced back at me "Are you willing to risk that?" Through his speech, he had gotten so close that he and king were almost nose to nose.

"I don't know what your talking about." Kingston said calmly.

That did it. In rage, Kahn roared and swiped his clawed hand at Kingston, ending in a gash against his chest.

"Kingston!" I cried.

Kahn reared back for another strike but was caught off guard when Almonzo yelled "DOZIOR KALEPSANI APHREQU!"

The last thing I saw was the look of outrage and confusion in Kahn's face and he watched us disappear.


I woke to the sound of painful sniffing. I grudgingly sat up and rubbed the sleep gunk out of my eyes.

I glanced around to see that Zeke was in the fetal position and he was sucking his thumb. I smirked. There was bi way he was going to live that up. I looked over and spotted Kingston and Almonzo. As I approached I saw that kings shirt was off and Almonzo was dressing the wound Kahn had made. King was wiping his eyes, attempting to not let me see he was hurt and crying. I was instantly hit with a pang of sympathy, hate, and a emotion I didn't know. I hated Kahn in general, but he made my friend, leader, someone I cared what happened too, hurt and suffer. He crossed the line that I was sure had been crossed many times before. I knelt down and took kings hand and he squeezed it hard because if the pain.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. He gritted his teeth and shut his eyes tightly.

"He's ok. He will heal nicely but not quickly. I can't put spells on him because they won't work with the long living thing he's got but... I'm doing the best I can." Almonzo had tightened the white piece of cloth around kings muscles and it looked as if the bleeding had stopped. "For now he just needs rest." Almonzo led me to the sleeping area.

Somehow we had appeared in a circle of earth, shadowed by the branches of weeping willow trees. It was beautiful, with soft green grass and bright vivid flowers.

"What happened?" I asked.

"The spell I cast sent us to this safe place. We will stay put till king is healed then we will move on." He explained as if it were that simple.

~ three weeks later~

Kingston was healed and moving around. We were all grateful for his quick recovery.

One day he sat us down and explained a question that had been on my mind.

"When we were in the alchemy room, Kahn mentioned a book?" Zeke inquired.

He hung his head. "Yes. The book." He sighed and looked intently at us. "That book is called the kodex. It has the spell that keeps me young. I have to recite it every three months to keep me young and healthy. They want the book so I will not live, without the spell I age three times faster and I will... die. The kodex has lots of important spells but that is the one that it the most important. A man name Dickson royal worked hard for centuries to perfect it. This is the book that contains it and if Sorian gets it, I will die, you won't have a leader, and that will be the end of good magic."

"Where is it kept?" I asked.

"In a place I can not speak of. Even to you." And that was the end of the conversation. And the end of a very eventful month.


Hey guys! I really hope you like my book so far. It would be awesome if you guys could comment throughout the chapters and tell me what you think! And... that about it!


         Thenan1 [°O:]♥

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