chaper 12

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I heard glass break and a very un-manly shriek.

"Sorry!" I said for about the 36478th time.

"Its ok," Kingston said, looking over his shoulder at the pot now broken in shards "Now, just think about what you want or what you want to happen, then point the wand where it needs to be and concentrate. Simple."

"Right. Simple." I mutter. I point the ivory wand at a empty corner and think of a bouquet of roses. I concentrate but nothing happens. I try again but again nothing happens.

"Stinking wand! This is too hard!" I gasp hitting it against my leg and looking for a malfunction.

Zeke, who had already mastered it laughed and said "its really not that hard! It helps if for the first time you think of something you love or care deeply about. It helps, try again."

"Know-it-all" I mumble, but I sigh and point the wand again at the corner. I think hard and squeeze my eyes shut. Nothing happens and I'm tempted to break the wand over my knee. I reign in my frustration. I'm about to hand the wand back to king and tell him to forget it but then a spark of blue light shoots across the room and collides with the wall.

I gasp and everyone in the room stills. I lean closer and look hard. A shining blue mist glows in the corner, shifting and moving until its in the shape of a person. The image sharpens a little and as i see the broad shoulders and long legs I can tell its a man. Even then it sharpens more and I can see the familiar red jacket and running shorts he wears as his PJs and his short brown hair. His shining blue eyes and contagious grin make me smile as well.

My dad.

Tears fill my eyes and I can tell just by being twins that Zeke has the same reaction.

"Daddy" I whisper. "I missed you" I smile sadly at him but I know he can't see me back. The image fades and the last remaining blue sparkles seep into the floor.

Zeke comes behind me and hugs me. "The sooner we finish this the sooner we go back." He whispered so nobody could hear. I knew he was right so I nodded into his shoulders. I straitened up and squared my posture.

"Ok. Where do we go?"


-Zeke's POV-

"And where exactly are we supposed to find this book?" I ask "I mean, there's got to be a million places to hide it here!"

"Well, if I had a very special book that kept me alive, I would probably keep it close by or entrusted to someone close to me." Almonzo said.

"So, are you suggesting that we go through Sorian office?" Blitz asked and I nodded. It was probably the most common sense place to look. "I like it!" Blitz said with a devilish smile.

"Great." I said, not really paying attention. As we walked through the halls I couldn't help but think how... dull the place seemed. I mean, I know he's evil and all but...

The walls were a dark grey they were almost black and the floors were cold hard stone. There was hardly any furniture in the rooms and if there was, it was one of the many shades of black. Ugh.

"This is so dull!" I said, letting my thoughts run free.

"Yea, but are you surprised? I mean, he's evil, not my little pony!" Blitz said.

"True" Almonzo said, rubbing his beard and looking around as if imagining pink ponies prancing around.

Suddenly I stopped. I had stopped so fast that blitz and Almonzo passed me and had to turn around.

"What?" Blitz asked with hands on his hips.

"If king doesn't have the kodex, doesn't that mean... he's dying?" I almost whispered.

Almonzo's eyes softened and he looked at me with a sad face. "Yes"

If king was gone.... I didn't know what. I wasn't really sure if I wanted to be a magician but I didn't want to back out of it now. I didn't know how Carmen was taking it, we hadn't really had a chance to talk which was... weird.

" So here's a map." Blitz voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I jogged ahead to where they were stating at a large wall map. "Who keeps a wall map in their lair?" I ask.

"Apparently Sorian." Almonzo smirked.

Minuets later we found ourselves in a hall trying to find Sorian office. i opened a door and found a red eyes back turned to me, doing something I couldn't tell. I held my breath and shut the door quietly, hoping he didn't hear me.

"Hey!" I whisper yelled. I motioned the guys over and they scrambled to me. "Be careful. There are red eyes in these rooms and they could come out any time." As if on cue a door down the hall swung open and my breath broke

The tall man walked towards us with his cell phone on his ear. "I know, I know! No. Yea I got it. Do you know who your talking to? Best magician there is. If I wanted you could be dead right now."

I panicked. The man was tall and muscular with a black businesses suit. He had clean cut hair and shades on even though he was in doors. The thing that caught my eye though was the bushy yellow-orange beard and hair that seemed to reach almost all the way around his head and his fingernails that looked long and sharp.


I froze out of fear. Gosh I was such a baby. what scared me the most though was what he said to whoever was on the phone.

"If I wanted you could be dead right now." It scared me. Bad.

My breath caught in my throat and a something heavy settled in my stomach as Sorian came closer to me.

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