chapter 16

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"We aren't getting anywhere. We've been wandering around at Sorian crazy house all night and we don't even have any leads as to where the book could be." Blitz looked bored as he spinned around in the Spinny chair. We had stopped at office Max of all places and we were in the desk section. Weird.

King sighed and let his head fall into his hands. He looked older every hour, lines etched into his skin, around his eyes and mouth. A couple of gray hairs had started to grow into place on his head. "I know, but that's not the reason we're here."

"Not to find the book?" Zeke looked confused. Kingston shook his head "no, no we need the book but its not the reason we're all talking right now." He scooted his chair in and rested his elbows on the table.

I noticed how serious he looked and leaned in. The sudden loss of words filling the room caught Zeke and Almonzo's attention and even blitz stopped spinning although he tried to still look uninterested.

"Carmen has found her power"

At those five words the room stilled. Almonzo straightened and blitz stared back and forth between king and me as if he couldn't believe it.

"What? What power? Is she ok? What's going on?" Zeke looked around the room in confusion.

"What is it?" Blitz asked, ignoring Zeke's concerns.

"Telekinesis." King said simply he proceeded to tell them what had happened with the red eyes. When he finished everyone had a mask of awe, confusion, and realization.

"Then that means..." Almonzo trailed off and Kingston nodded. "Aisling".

"Wait, who's ailing or whatever?" Zeke asked.

"Aisling." King corrected. "She is a one of the elder race. Let me explain. Carmen's natural power is the ability to move things with her mind. But Aisling can awaken powers in you twins that could help you in difficult situations. For instance, fire, water, and weather powers. It depends on your aura and what it can adapt to."

"Our aura?" I asked. King nodded "a aura is a thin layer of magic that covers every living creature. Some pulse while others stay solid. Some cover the entire body like an envelope and some line the edges. Some glow around certain parts of the body and some are every where. They come in all different colors and thicknesses."

"Can you see them?" I asked.

"Certain people can see them and some can not" king answered. "Can you?" Zeke wondered.

" I can Occasionally, when people are doing magic." He answered. Suddenly I remembered something that had happened. "In the locker rooms you started to glow yellow around you head and hands when you touched your temples. Was that you aura?" I asked.

He nodded. "I was trying to track these guys. I can do it but it drains the energy a lot."

"Locker room?" Blitz asked skeptically.

"Wait, so where is Aisling? Last I heard she was is Egypt chasing down the Sphinx." Almonzo said.

"Well, that was 84 years ago, I'm sure she's caught it by now." Blitz rolled his eyes.

"The book will have to wait. We have to find Aisling." King said indicating the conversation was over.


Zeke's POV

We had somehow survived another ride with blitz as the driver and were now traveling down a dirt road hidden by tropical plants blocking sunlight.

We came upon a big modern looking house in a clearing and blitz parked the car. Taking the keys out of the ignition he climbed out of the car and we quickly followed.

"So... Aisling is here and she will awaken my powers?" Carmen summed up. "Pretty much" king answered.

As I looked at them something building up inside me. Despite how much she claimed to hate magic, Carmen seemed to fit in pretty well. And now she had a new power. I wondered if I would find my power. But how exactly do you do that? Wave a wand or something?

I don't think so. I thought as we walked up to the door. King knocked and waited. All I heard was emptiness coming from inside the big house. King walked up and knocked again. Nothing. Blitz sighed and walked up. While looking at king he turned the knob and pushed. The door swung open.

"Its that simple." He said still looking at Kingston.

We walked into a very modern looking living room. "Aisling?" Kingston called loudly. The room remained quiet.

He turned to us. "I'll bet she's in the dojo." He said. He led us up the stairs to a small door.

He opened it and I peered in. Japanese looking shades covered the walls of the spacious room. Punching bags and dummies were spread across the room. But what really caught my eye was a the girl sitting in the middle of the room. She had her back to us with her legs crossed. Her arms were spread to either side of her and she looked to be meditating or praying or something.

Kingston walked forward and reached out his arm. His hand was poised to tap the girl on the shoulder when in a flash of movement almost too fast for me to comprehend she had him pinned under her.

Her knee was on his chest, one arm on his neck and one pinning his arms. When she saw who her prisoner was she smile. "Kingston! Its been to long!" She said releasing him.

He got up, rubbing his neck and chuckled. "You too Aisling"

I tool that moment to study her. She looked to be about 15 but I had a hunch she was one of those immortal chicks. She was kind of short and her hair was short and shaggy in a good way. It was red with blue tips. She had bright blue eyes that could kill. I also noticed she was dressed in all black. She had a black leather jacket, black leggings and black combat boots.

She stuck her had toward me, her voice tinged with a Irish accent "Hi. I'm Aisling. The 2000 year old warrior" she smiled and shrugged. "But who's counting?"


Thank you so much for reading guys! Even though there's probably like 4 people reading this right now! Any who, love you guys and thanks again!


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