chapter 15

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"Can you drive?" Kingston asked me.

"Uh... no?" I said. I was only 13 and although I had driven a golf cart, it wasn't even a choice for me to be on the road.

"Me neither" Almonzo said. "King and I never learned how to operate those...those..."

"Automobiles?" Zeke hedged. Almonzo shrugged "whatever."

Realizing there was no other option we turned to blitz who had tried to sneak out the door but had failed miserably.

"How old are you?" I asked getting closer. He looked up to the ceiling as if thinking. "I'm 354 years old but in the human world I pass as fifteen... and the answer is no."

"You have to. You have no choice." I said as I pushed him towards the black BMW. It was Sorian minions car but what the heck. I ignored blitz complaints and forced him into the drivers seat.

He sighed then reached his hand over to me. "Keys"

I handed him the keys that had a snoopy keychain. "So manly" I stated looking at the key ring.

He shoved the keys in the place and the engine roared to life. He turned to the backseat where the other three guys sat. "Fear for your life" he said then backed down through the magic border to the road.

Things were going good until we actually got on the road.

The car swerved as blitz tried to get control over the wheel. I gripped the plush seat so hard my hands were white.

"Blllliiiiiiitttt-" I was cut off when it jolted so hard I was thrown into the door. I rubbed at the forming bruise on my arm. The car cut through narrow spaces between lamp posts and such. The other cars side mirrors scratched the pristine paint job.

"Blitz! You little liar! You said you could drive!" I screamed over the honking of angry drivers. He shrugged like he did this every day "I told you. But you made me so here we are, driving to our deaths."

I cross my arms. "Such a optimist today aren't we?" Almonzo said as he and Zeke clung to each other for their dear lives.

Blitz turned to look at me but I pointed to the road. "CAR!" I yelled frantically. He swerved and barely missed a oncoming minivan. I pressed my back as far as I could into the seats and braced myself.

blitz spotted an opening between two cars. He pushed his foot to the floor and the heavy car shot forward but the opening wasn't quite big enough. The grill struck the side mirrors on the other two cars and snapped them off. Blitz immediately took his foot from the gas pedal.

"Keep going!" King said. Deliberately not looking into the backseat blitz drove forward, ignoring the angry honks of other drivers. He shot along the outside lane then cut into the middle lane then back out again. I braced myself against the dashboard, peering through half closed eyes. I saw the car hit another side mirror. It came up onto the hod of the car, scoring a long scratch in the black paint before falling off to the side of the road.

"Don't even think about it." Zeke said seeing another small gap between cars. He didn't listen. Blitz tore through the opening. King looked through the back window, looking at the mess they had made."I thought you said you could drive." He murmured

"I can drive" blitz said calmly.

"Do you think anyone got our license plate?" Zeke asked worrying.

" I think they've got other things to worry about" Almonzo said. Crows had descended on the bridge. They came in a black wave, cawing and screaming. They came down hovering low, occasionally landing on cars. Cars crashed and sideswiped one another as they tried to get away.

"Their looking for us." King said. The birds rose in the air again looking at the black car. Now their horrible cries were sounds of triumph. "They see us!" I said realizing my heart was pounding in my ribcage. I looked to the alchemist and magician but their grim expressions did me no comfort.

"We're in trouble now!" Blitz said. The huge mass of crows came at us. Most of the traffic on the bridge was now stopped, people stricken by terror in their cars. Our car was the only one moving.

Blitz pressed his heal on the fas pedal on the car lurched forward. The needle on the speedometer hovered over 80. He was becoming more comfortable with the controls. Suddenly I grinned. The end of the bridge was in sight. Then a huge crow landed on the hood.

Blitz jerked the wheel attempting to knock the evil creature off. It cocked its head to one side looking first at blitz and then at me. Then in two short hops he came up to the wind shield, black eyes glittering and pecked. A tiny star shaped hole appeared.

" He shouldn't be able to do that!" Almonzo said from the back seat. The crow pecked again and then again. More crows landed on the hood. Peck holes appeared everywhere.

"I hate crows" king rooted through a bag and pulled out a 8 inch piece of ornately carved wood. he tapped the stick in the palm of his hand. "This will take them.

The first bird pecked the glass again and this time its beak actually penetrated the shield. I leaned over and pressed the windshield wiper switch and it swept the bird off the hood in a flurry of feathers. Kingston smiled. "Well, there is that of course."

By this time all the crows were on the car. they settled in a blanket over the car clutching every available entrance. If one fell off another took its place. The noise outside the car was amazing. They tore into the rubber molding around the windows and ripped the spare tires, tearing it to shreds.

Blitz took his foot of the accelerator and the car instantly slowed. "Drive!" King ordered from the back seat.

"But I can't see!" He complained. King reached out his hand his hand glowing. Then the magician snapped his fingers. A ball of hissing sizzling flame flung itself towards the crows, breaking right through the glass. And just like that it was over. Every crow gone.

"Now. Drive." He ordered.

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