chapter 4

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The next few days had their ups and downs. But one down almost made me think the all the days were miserable. And that down was that the nightmares were getting worse and were relentless about keeping me up after I awoke screaming from them. This resulted in me sleeping through classes and through almost every break I got. Like lunch, where now, I spend it with Damian, Chris, and Josie.

They were starting to get worried about me, although Damian seemed like he was more worried and concerning than most. "What's wrong Marie?" was his most said line these days. And besides that, I was always sleeping so we never talked. I barely talked even with Josie, who seemed like she considered me as a friend. I didn't know my situation with Chris; he was always laughing at me, so I just considered that he liked seeing my flaws and sniggering at them rather than actually enjoying my company.

Last night's nightmare had to be one of the worst. It'd exceeded past where the giant wolf-like creature attacked me –now I battled with it like I was an animal myself. It sent shivers down my spine whenever I thought of it, just as it did now, in art class, sitting next to the ever so worried god-like boy.

"Are you okay?"

I sighed sleepily and nodded. Apart from being tired out of my mind, and being afraid to sleep, I was just fine.

"Will you just tell me what's going on –what's bothering you? It's driving me crazy not knowing what's wrong with you."

Shifting my lazy eyes towards Damian's unearthly face, I noted his frown and my jaw tightened.

"You know, you don't always need to know what's happening."

And it was true. It seemed like he needed to know what was happening with me all the time, and to tell the truth it was annoying. I knew it shouldn't be –not too many other girls here would reject attention from a guy as good looking, intelligent, and kind as Damian was. Well, I guess I was kidding myself. No one would turn that away. I sighed as I picked yet another difference out between me and other girls, and Damian frowned harder as he concentrated on the teacher who was talking. I knew he wasn't listening to her; his face was too tense to look like he was paying attention. The teacher would probably be asking herself soon why he was apparently glaring at her.

"Ugh..." I groaned quietly. My eyes were closed so I didn't check to see if he had looked at me. He probably was anyway, but that didn't seem to bother me anymore. I guess I was just used to it now; I expected it. He didn't do it as often as before, which was a good thing. Before, it looked like he expected me to drop dead any second, I realized. Oh well. As I thought before, it didn't bother me anymore, and only a rare few things ever bothered me...

I felt my head bob forward; falling asleep for about two seconds before my eyes flew open and I righted myself. This just could not go on... but it most likely would till the dreams went away.

Damian laid a hand on my shoulder, and I vaguely wondered why until I noticed that I was swaying back and forth. My head didn't feel connected to my body, and I felt very woozy.

"Iz okay..." I mumbled, and swept his ice cold fingers off my shoulder. It was surprisingly easy to do what with the state I was in. But he probably just let me brush them off anyway.

My eyes struggled to keep open; they fluttered as I battled with my eyelids. Any moment, I knew I was going to crash. The only thing I could wish for is that I wouldn't have one of my terrifying dreams and wake up screaming during class. Everyone would definitely think I was a nut job then, if they didn't already think that.

I leaned down and laid my head on the desktop – I didn't particularly want everyone to be alarmed if my head just suddenly plonked onto the desk without warning.

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