chapter 21

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When the full moon finally rolled around, I was becoming fairly good friends with Josie and Chris. Damian and I hung out with them a lot, as well as Kathy and Will. I became better friends with Pat and Miguel, and I was just not able to be friends with Taylor and Kayla. Taylor still badgered me, and Kayla was still the spiteful Kayla that I had met the first time.

And Damian stayed with me as he always did on the night of the full moon. It had been a nice night... all but how the dreams continued. I woke up screaming like I did every time. I did not know what they meant in the least. But it scared me out of my wits, and Damian was very worried about it also. We both had no idea what they meant. That was the scariest part. I had to take some meaning from these dreams. They continued from when I was human. Vampires should not be able to dream. But I did. So there had to be some message in the dreams... something that I was missing but was extremely important.

Damian had to work on my day off, and Will and Kathy were out doing something. I think they said they were going to a beach Will had found awhile ago that was deserted most of the time. It was still pretty cold outside, though we had had a thaw a few weeks ago, so they would attract attention.

Then there was Pat and Miguel. Kathy had told me they were doing something as well, and she seemed very giddy this morning, so it obviously had something to do with Pat and Miguel's relationship. Miguel was probably taking Pat somewhere nice... somewhere warm probably because Pat loved the sun and warmth.

Today was a nice day... the sun was shining and it was fairly mild out. A perfect day to get out, Damian had said. He had encouraged me the night before to go out without him, find someone that would want to go out and enjoy the weather with me. Have fun. I sighed.

Now, I was sitting alone in my dorm, staring out the large window to see the sun drenched yard and trees. It was eerily silent –not even a slight breeze could be heard from outside. All sounds inside the school were distant since most people were doing something today.

I fingered the bracelet on my wrist, thinking of him, and I was still not able to believe that he had given me this. It was so spectacular... the artistry on it was phenomenal. If he was that good when he was alive, his skills must've only gotten better. After all, almost everything was heightened, got better when you were changed.

I thumped my head against the couch, bored out of my mind. I didn't know what I wanted to do. One thing was for sure, I really did not want to do anything with anyone else than Kathy, Will, Damian, or Pat.

It sucked that I couldn't sleep whenever I wanted to now. If I could sleep now, I would be able to burn some time before everyone got back.

I sighed heavily and laid myself back on the couch, running my hand through my hair, staring up at the ceiling high above me.

What was I doing? I was trying to figure out how time could go quicker and wishing I could sleep. I'd pretty much sunk to how low boredom could get. Or maybe not. When I started doing very random things or started twiddling my thumbs –or better yet, started to talk to inanimate objects out of lonesomeness. I was never usually lonely. But for some reason today I'd never felt more alone.

"Marie! Marie?" Someone banged on the door, shouting my name, which made me start, jumping off the couch and land on the floor.

"Marie!" Ugh! Taylor... why did he have to but in at the most inconvenient of times, though right now wasn't inconvenient... he was just someone annoying I never wanted to be around. And I knew this was somewhat of a dramatization, but I couldn't help it. I'd told him no so many times... he would just not learn.

"Uhh –just give me a sec Taylor..." I muttered, trying not to grit my teeth.

I got up leisurely, getting on my knees first then pushing myself up off the ground, prolonging answering the door.

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