chapter 6

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I was in the same dark alley. It was dark, and as before, I walked behind the man and we got closer and closer to the street lamp ahead. A little paranoia was about me, because subconsciously I knew what was going to happen.

We reached the light, and I saw the horrifying eyes that set a primal instinct off. My lips rose, showing my teeth, and I let out a hair rising growl. This time the man grabbed me around the middle, restraining me, and spoke softly in my ear, "No, don't..." It was extremely hard to resist the voice, but even harder to resist the call.

I ripped out of his arms, and met the giant beast who was emerging out of the darkness. It sprang, and we met in midair, biting, ripping and snarling.

"Marie!" The man shouted in a pained voice. The claws on the creature ripped a whole down my side, and I fell to the ground where it pinned me. I bit its paw as I tried to keep its jaws away from me, and it yelped. Compared to how enormous it was, I should have been powerless. But I was fighting back with a vengeance, even though I could tell I was overpowered.


A pack of wolf-like creatures surrounded me at the exact moment the one on top of me finally pinned my arms.

My eyes flew open, and the first things I heard were the loud sound of hyperventilation and the too-fast, erratic beeps of the heart rate monitor.

Besides the chaos that was happening with me, I could hear the slamming of the door to my room.

"Get the doctor in here, now!" Someone shouted, and I felt several people pin my arms and legs down as I began to flail. This did not help my condition one bit. It felt exactly like my dream.

"No! Let me go!" I shrieked. That was when I felt the sharp sting in my arm, and within ten seconds my energy completely disappeared, and I passed out.

This only happened a few times over the course of two days. The dreams scared me half to death, and I had no idea why they happened, or what they meant. I'd talked to the doctor after I'd woken up every time. I only told him that it was a bad dream, and that I had forgotten it by now. He didn't seem convinced, but didn't press me to tell him more.

Also, I didn't tell Damian or Josie anything at all about my dreams. Every time they came, I just kept my mouth shut. I didn't want to worry them –especially him.

He –they– would be here soon. At least, I hoped. They were a few hours late and visiting hours were almost out, so I didn't know if they were coming at all. And I was just hoping, very desperately at that, if they did come, that they would have homework for me to do. I needed something to distract me.

I tried to think of a subject other than them, or my dreams. I searched my mind for something. It took me a few moments, but I finally remembered something the doctor had mentioned. He'd taken me into have an x-ray, and he was shocked at how well I was healing. It had only been about a two weeks (I would be let go soon), and it looked well into a few months healed. He was astounded, and agreed to let me go in a few days. I was very happy, despite the fact I'd had to spend my whole entire time here doing nothing. The teachers really had taken pity on me, even though it wasn't like pity to me.

The doctor was worried about my nightmares though. He said if they continued, I might hurt myself when I woke up. I'd almost had a panic attack the last time it had happened. That why he told me that if they continued until the time I left, he was going to subscribe me to a sleeping pill that would allow me to sleep through the night, dream free.

"Marie? Can we come in?" I knew the voice right away, and I subconsciously smiled.


Josie and Damian entered, and a smile appeared on their own faces as they saw mine. I still had no idea what was getting into me when I acted this way.

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