chapter 17

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We stayed in our dorm for awhile, just talking lightly among each other. Kathy was ecstatic about mine and Damian's relationship together. I was still a little surprised that everything had turned out, but Kathy didn't seem the least bit surprised.

Suddenly Damian turned to me, his facial expression little worn.

"I have to go for now... I have a meeting with Nathaniel."

I let out a sigh.

"All right... when will I see you?"

He reached up to stroke my face soothingly. He sighed and closed his eyes.

"Well, I think by the time it's over, you'll be sleeping. Tonight's the full moon, after all."

I frowned.

"I'll stay up to wait for you then." He shook his head, and pulled me in for a hug.

"No...You need your rest, love. I'll be there when you wake up, I promise."

He leaned down to kiss me softly once, and then more fervently a few more times.

"I love you." He murmured.

"I love you too... Have a good meeting."

I said the last part sarcastically, and he chuckled lightly. He embraced me one last time and suddenly disappeared into thin air.

I slumped back into the soft couch cushion and closed my eyes.


My eyes opened to look at Kathy, who was sitting across Will's lap on the armchair, her legs hanging off the side of the arm, who eyed me with slightly concerned, but excited eyes.

"Damian's a big boy... he can take care of himself. You don't need to worry about him."

I smiled slightly at her.

"I'm not too worried..."

She beamed at me, and held onto Will tighter.

"I don't think you know how happy I am to see you two together. I can see such a positive change in you both."

I cocked my head to the side, puzzled. I knew there was a definite change in me, but I didn't notice a big change in him...

She answered the question in my stare.

"Oh, there is a big change in him. I've only known him for a few years, but it's really noticeable how you've altered him. I've never seen him happier."

My jaw almost dropped. I thought he'd always been like this... but apparently not.

"What was he like before?"

She grinned wider as she noticed the astonishment in my voice.

"He was almost like Reap here."

Will glared at her, and began tickling her. She laughed, and giggled, before she grabbed his hands, and leaned up to kiss him. He kissed passionately back, and it looked like he'd already let that bother go.

She was still giggling as she broke away, and burrowed herself closer to him.

"He was never one to display emotion... even if something bothered him. But now it's evident that he's inexorably happy. I've noticed the change in both of you."

I grinned, and nodded.

"You really have no idea about how he's changed me. The first time you met me, I was already changed. Now I'm happy for the first time in a long time. I was even worse than Reap before."

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