chapter 20

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We continued things in a pattern, not running into any trouble... yet. Tension outlined his atmosphere, his thoughts more and more every time I saw him, and I'd tried to get an answer out of him, but he continually attempted to convince me that nothing was wrong. I was kind of surprised he hadn't gotten tired or angry with me since I asked him this question a lot. I remembered how he used to do this to me, and how angry I'd gotten with him for it...

I looked up at him from where he stood behind me, leaning against the wall as I rested on him. My head was craned back, instead of turning my head, and I looked into his eyes.

He smiled slightly and with one of his hands reached up to caress my cheek.

"Sadly, we have to get going soon love..."

I sighed and nodded, turning around to embrace him. He seemed a little stiff, and I exhaled more heavily, leaning up to brush my lips against his. His arms really tightened around me, and he kissed me even more fervently back. I knew there was something wrong. But I wouldn't ask what. I knew I wouldn't get an answer... apparently everything was just plain peachy.

"I'll see you later. I love you..." He murmured in my ear and kissed my neck. For a moment before he went, he was his old calm self. I'd missed this –dearly. I wanted to know everything was all right. I didn't even know what was wrong to begin with, which agitated me more.

But then he disappeared. And I sighed as I pushed myself off the wall and walked over to my wardrobe first, picking out a fresh uniform before I walked into the bathroom and changed. I expected Kathy to be back any minute now –this was the normal time she came back to fetch me to go to our class.

I was about to sit down on the couch as she walked into the room, seeming cheerier than ever. She had a big grin on her face, and it actually managed to make me smile in my mood.

"Morning Marie," She announced exultantly.

"Good morning Kathy... I guess someone had a good night...!" I said in a leading on tone, joking around with her. If she could blush she would've been –success.

She winked, looking away almost bashfully, giggling and shaking her head playfully.

"It's not what you think... your mind's in the gutter. Well anyway, I already changed in Will's dorm so we can leave now," She said, beaming at me.

"Sure it isn't..." I murmured and she rolled her eyes, holding her arm out to me.

I let out a small sigh before I took her arm and we walked out the door and down the hall towards class.

We were half way there when someone grabbed my shoulder from behind to stop me. I froze as I felt the hand touch my shoulder. It felt familiar, yet rougher than I remembered.

I turned around slowly to see Chris. That was why the hand had felt so familiar –because he and his brother resembled each other so perfectly besides the minor physical differences. They were totally different people all together on the other hand.

I remained frozen, almost petrified.

"Umm... Hi Marie." He said awkwardly. My eyes remained wide, staring at him. In my peripheral vision I saw Kathy beside me looking at him also, though her expression was not nearly as scared as mine was. She was rather confident, so I tried to take that as encouragement.

Once he realized I wasn't going to greet him back, answer him, he exhaled deeply and looked at me.

"First of all, I need to say I'm sorry. I'm not here to cause any more trouble for you, and I know what I did was completely idiotic and awful. Can you meet me in the library after classes if it's not any trouble? I need to talk with you,"

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