chapter 13

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"They've been my friends for awhile now –ever since I first got here a few years ago."

I nodded, my eyes closed as Kathy held my hand as I kept up her pace beside her.

She'd left me alone for awhile to think ... probably a little too long, but it was still not enough time. I think I may have been close to a resolution. At least, I hoped so.

Today was our day off, a day where we could do whatever we wanted. So we were walking to the library where we were to meet Patricia and Miguel.

I didn't know what quite to expect, but from the looks of Patricia, she seemed nice enough. But looks could be deceptive...

Arriving at the huge frosted glass doors of the library, Kathy pushed the doors open lightly with the golden handle and revealed a grand library filled almost wall to wall with books. The only place where there weren't book cases was in the middle of the room where many chairs and study tables were set up. I looked around in wonder, astonished. I would never run out of books, ever, here.

"Kathy!" Someone clearly whispered, though you could hear it as clearly if someone was speaking normally. Only a few people were in the library as far as I could see –I guessed not too many people wanted to spend their day off in the library.

No one objected as Patricia called to Kathy from across the room, on a cosy looking, posh green couch.

I immediately noticed the man sitting next to her. He had fairly long, wavy, caramel blonde hair that clashed with his burgundy eyes.

Both Patricia and Miguel smiled at us as we approached.

Patricia rose as we got to the couch, and gave Kathy a big hug with a large grin on her face.

"It's so nice to spend some time with you and Marie today, Kathy."

She stepped up to me after she was done hugging Kathy and embraced me tightly also. I hugged her back only slightly, a little bewildered since I'd never been treated like this by a stranger.

I saw Miguel rise to hug Kathy also, and after Patricia was done with me, he walked over and shook my hand. I was kind of thankful for that –it might have been a little bit more awkward to hug him.

He looked at me slightly intensely all the while, but I didn't let it bother me. We sat down, Kathy and me on a couch opposite Patricia and Miguel.

"So, Marie, you guys haven't been properly introduced! This is Patricia Valier and Miguel Carver. And Pat, Miguel, this is Marie Alexander."

They both nodded and smiled at me, and I managed to smile shyly back.

"It's certainly nice to meet you, Marie. Kathy's spoken to me only briefly about you, but you sound pretty interesting."

I only succeeded in keeping the grimace off my face. So they'd talked about me, had they?

Kathy noticed my discomfort, and stepped in.

"Uhh yes... so how have you two been lately? We've barely had any time to catch up yet... I can't believe we've left it till now! I mean, even if we don't have the same classes we should see each other more often than this."

Patricia's eyes widened, and she nodded.

"Oh, I know what you mean Kathy."

She and Kathy talked for awhile, while I came back in and out of awareness, and sometimes added to the conversation. It seemed Miguel did the same. But when the conversation turned to the upcoming dance, I had to have my full attention on what they were saying. They were involving me a great deal.

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