chapter 10

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Damian looked at me worriedly, but loosened his grip on my legs. Chris's grip didn't slacken any, though.

"Are you okay, Marie?" I looked right into his eyes. I was still panting unneeded oxygen into my lungs, but I responded breathlessly anyway.

"How would I be all right, Damian? I'm a prisoner now, from what you've just demonstrated. Isn't it enough that you changed me into a vampire and ruined what was left of my already miserable life? Why couldn't you just let me be?" He winced as I said it. I just kept staring into his eyes, but it didn't seem to faze him. What I had said did, though.

"I know that... and I am truly sorry for it. I don't want you to think of yourself of a prisoner. And I never would've changed you unless it was for the command I was given. I was ordered to change you, and believe me; I never would've if it weren't for that."

"Save it. I don't want to hear your excuses. Especially your apologies. I think I've had enough of those for a lifetime." My voice was dead serious, and monotonous, not displaying emphasis or emotion. But Chris started laughing hysterically. Damian elbowed him in the ribs to silence him, and then looked back at me.

"I'm going to explain anyway. Maybe you'll think of it in a different light after I explain." Humph. As if that would, or ever could, happen. He continued.

"Just let me stress that you are not a prisoner. We need you for a specific purpose, and then we will let you go."

"Who is 'we' and for what exact purpose do you need me? I'm no good for anything." Damian flinched yet again, though he tried hard to hide it. Maybe if I were human, I wouldn't have spotted that tiny little movement...

"Well, 'we' is the vampire council. They've been ruling and enforcing vampire laws across the world for centuries. And for your other question, I'm not quite sure yet. But the council will tell me when they're ready." I looked at him incredulously.

"Whatever. Now what are you going to do with me?" He finally broke our little staring contest, to look down at the ground, hiding his face from my view behind his eye length dark brown locks of hair.

"We're going to the school." I tried to find his face again, and my own still emotionless.

"School?" Yay. Even as a vampire I had to go to school.

"Yes. It's where all the vampires, or, rather, newborn vampires live and learn how to be what they are."

"Are you two newborns?" Chris and Damian both looked at me with surprise and shock. Chris just laughed at me, and Damian now began our staring contest again.

"Do...we... look... like ...newborns?" Chris choked out between laughs. I now glared at him, though I was still like a zombie inside.

"No, we're not. Far from it. I'm almost five years older then Chris, but we are both over three hundred years old. I was born in the sixteen hundreds." Damian answered me. I just couldn't believe that. Although I couldn't really feel, I knew deep down I was shocked. How had these two adapted to the ages? And wouldn't they have a different view of the world if they were that old? There were a lot of things that I had to question about these two...

"Cool. So can you let go of me now, so I can get up? I really don't like lying on this earthy damp ground, you know." Damian immediately let go of my legs, though I could see he was a bit reluctant. He still thought I was going to run away? That shows how much he trusts me...

Chris didn't let go right away. He picked me up by my arms, and held tightly onto one of them as we began to make our way through the forest, heading to what I thought was going to be Chris's car.

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