How You Meet - Gilinsky

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I just moved to LA about a month ago and I've been lonely ever since

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I just moved to LA about a month ago and I've been lonely ever since.

I have no friends or family here but I grew up with pets, so I know they're great companions.

Hoping a dog would encourage me to be more active than a cat, I decided last night to go look at dogs today.

I'm at a humane shelter now, going up and down the aisles looking for the perfect dog.

I stop in front of one of the closed rooms.

A blonde, almost ginger, dog is sitting on a bed, her head on her paws.

I look at the information.

Her name is Animal.

"What a fantastic name for a dog," I mumble sarcastically.

I kneel down, stretching my hand out for the dog.

She gives me a cautious look but I rub my fingers together and she gets up, slowly making her way towards me.

"Hi buddy," I scratch her head through the wire gate. "If I adopt you I'll have to change your name."

I glance back up at the sheet.

She's five months old, a good age.

Not too young and not too old.

The sheet says that she loves cuddles and relaxing with family members, but she also loves going for walks and finding new things.

I call over a shelter worker, asking if I can meet the dog.

I meet 'Animal' and she's a total sweetheart.

"I'll take her," I tell the worker.

She nods, leaving to grab the paperwork.

"Anima," I whisper, scratching the dog's ears. "Do you like that?"

She wags her tail at me, leaning up to like my jaw.

Anima is Italian for soul.

I used to be obsessed with Italy and learned some fun words.

"She's adorable," a voice says from above me.

I look up and freeze, seeing Jack Gilinsky standing there.

I listen to Jack and Jack all of the time.

"Almost as adorable as her owner," he continues.

I blush. "Um, thanks."

"What's her name?" He kneels down, reaching over to scratch her back.

"Anima," I reply shortly.

"What's your name?" He looks up at me.

"Y/N," I smile at him.

"Mine's Jack."

"I already knew that- in a totally non-creepy way," I say nervously.

He laughs. "You're a fan?"

"One could say so," I look back down into Anima's brown eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm helping my friend pick out a dog."

I look up as the worker from before says me name. She motions for me to come into a room with her and I stand up.

"Listen, maybe if my friend finds a dog I could borrow him and go on a dog date with you," Jack suggests.

"That sounds nice," I smile at him.

We exchange numbers and do go on that doggy date.

The picture of the dog is Anima. I tried to make it the picture but it didn't have a 'valid link.' Whatever.

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